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Post #1050299

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Video Games - a general discussion thread
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Date created
25-Feb-2017, 8:04 AM

On Monday I thought I’d treat myself to a PS3. MISTAKE
I got the console with a fair wack of memory and quite a few games and plugged it in.
More than half the games didn’t work.
I thought that if it were some of the disks it could just be bad disks but more than half sounds like laser problems so I took it back and the guy was very apologetic and replaced it with another console. I took it home and the same games didn’t work so clearly it’s a disk problem after all so I took the disks in. They all got replaced and I took the alternate versions home and put them in the alternate console. Still didn’t work.
I reformated the hard drive, tried tilting the console. Nothing works. The same games don’t work on different disks in different consoles. I really wish I got a Wii U now.