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Post #1044848

TV's Frink
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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
8-Feb-2017, 4:31 PM

FanFiltration said:

Well Trump is showing himself to be trigger happy and extremely dangerous to our servicemen and women. Scary!

"Over dinner, told that Obama wouldn’t launch the attack in Yemen (because they didn’t have enough intel), Trump decided to go for it.

An unmitigated disaster. 30 women and children were slaughtered by our troops, the primary target of the raid was not captured, a Navy SEAL was shot and killed, 3 other SEALs were injured, and we left behind a $70 million helicopter.

NOW, today, Yemen has announced it will no longer allow the US to have any military actions in the country - making us all less safe. "


He’s making decisions based on his insecurity about his dick size. And getting people killed because of it. Fantastic.