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Post #1044451

Lord Haseo
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What movies do you consider canon?
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Date created
7-Feb-2017, 4:22 PM

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

77FN said:

As for Force Awakens, that’s in limbo. Will wait to see his this new trilogy holds up as a whole.

That’s a pretty smart stance imo

If VIII and IX end up sucking I’ll probably end up putting the ST out of my personal canon so that I may reinsert the Thrawn Trilogy.

RE# ended up sucking and basically already stained the whole ST.

That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. The PT would have been looked upon with favor if AOTC and ROTS were good films and we all know it. We would have seen TPM as a bumpy start to a good - amazing trilogy and the one you have to sit through to get to the good stuff. And to me ROTJ is a huge drop in quality in comparison to SW and ESB but the OT in it’s totality still works for me. You’re just looking for an excuse to hate the ST. No matter how good VIII or IX could be all you’ll be saying is that you think TFA sucks instead of judging the films based on their own merit.

I’m screenshotting this for when such a time arises so I can shove it right back in your face.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Lord Haseo said:

77FN said:

As for Force Awakens, that’s in limbo. Will wait to see his this new trilogy holds up as a whole.

That’s a pretty smart stance imo

If VIII and IX end up sucking I’ll probably end up putting the ST out of my personal canon so that I may reinsert the Thrawn Trilogy.

I’m keeping TFA and Thrawn Trilogy regardless of the next movies. All I have to do is replace the twins with Ben, and that’s easy given that they aren’t even born until Last Command and are barely a plot point.

If Rey and Kylo are brother and sister (which I very much doubt) you won’t have to do that. I hope that’s not the case.