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Post #1040720

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What are you reading?
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Date created
28-Jan-2017, 6:55 PM

suspiciouscoffee said:

Finished X-Wing: Rogue Squadron and now I’m back to PKD, this time I’ll be reading A Scanner Darkly.

Finished A Scanner Darkly. It was pretty good, but I prefer the previous two PKD books I’ve read more than this one. However, there was one brief moment in which I could suddenly relate to the protagonist of this book more than that of any character of any other book I’ve read lately, although he probably didn’t mean what he said in that moment. I won’t type it all out here because, given the quote, I already did talk about it a few days ago in another thread (before I even got to that part of the book). But that’s enough vague rambling for now.

Next I think I’ll read 1984, which I’ve been meaning to read for a year or so and haven’t ever gotten around to it.