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Post #1040554

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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)
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Date created
28-Jan-2017, 1:23 PM

MalàStrana said:

DigMod said:
These are fanatics who admire the Empire but are definitely different. They existed before during and after the Empire. They just never made their move until the Empire crumbled. So yes, they are very much like the Nazis.

I don’t agree at all and JJ Abrams is terrible in european (and latin america) history. FO = Nazis is obvious in his mind, and it’s a very bad (and dumb) idea, but it doesn’t support real historic parallels; the OT was far more subtle about that, making the Empire a powerful aggregate of various dictatorship systems. It’s the big difference between a myth (the OT) and something which relates too much on actual Earth history (the PT, TFA… TLJ ?). The same goes with the Resistance depicted like soviet/communits fighters in a few shots…

You’re terrible in understanding movies. Nothing in TFA or any of those other SW movies have a direct historic (nor should they) parallel but all are inspired by history, period, end of story.

The First Order are definitely like the Nazis for a number of reasons (including the plotting of a return to greatness), but I’d say mainly because of the way the New Republic treats them (as in letting them take over systems and not intervening because they don’t want a war that is inevitable). But they are also like other historical entities (as they should be). The only thing here that’s a dumb idea is any of yours that you’ve suggested.

But this is not the place to argue about that.

And yet you continue to unnecessarily bring up TFA kvetching. Stop trolling please.