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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Fan Edit Ideas thread... — Page 8


Do you spend this much time and energy on every movie you hate or just Star Wars movies?


I really hope this time around the deleted scenes won’t have those timestamps. But yeah, they probably will…

Also… Bor Gullet needs to go.


I think I would use the title card from the trailers without the border, at first without the subtitle “A Star Wars Story” and then let that fade in.


Darth Id on ‘Why “Ben”?’:

And while we’re at it, we need to figure out why they kept calling Mark Hamill’s character “Luke Skywalker,” since it’s my subjective opinion that his name is actually Schnarzle Shnuzzle.  It just doesn’t make sense!

Damn you George Lucas for never explaining why they all keep calling Schnarzle “Luke”!

Damn You!!!


DuracellEnergizer said:

TV’s Frink said:

Do you spend this much time and energy on every movie you hate or just Star Wars movies?

Masochists are an unfathomable bunch.

It’s more of a “I want you all to know how stupid you all are for liking these movies” kind of thing.


Intruder said:

I think I would use the title card from the trailers without the border, at first without the subtitle “A Star Wars Story” and then let that fade in.


I honestly never want to see / hear that “A Star Wars Story” subtitle ever again. For me, it will always be just Rogue One or Star Wars: Rogue One.


Yeah I really hope they drop the ‘A Star Wars Story’ thing.


It’s called “A Star Wars story” for marketing materials. The actual title card doesn’t display “A Star Wars Story” but only “Rogue One”. It quite the contrary for TFA, which is called “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” while the actual title uses “Episode VII”


Jackpumpkinhead said:

since i am in the “no crawl for Rogue One” camp and i was disappointed in the hideous opening title card (Jason Ward of Making Star Wars said it looked like someone made it in MS Paint 5 minutes before the movie was released, and i have to agree with him) i decided to make my own title card. The following video is a mockup of the title card that was in the film and then i made 4 title cards of my own. i am trying to decide which one i like best for my inevitable edit of this film. let me know what you all think.


I really like the last two


I think Rogue One really needed a crawl. It’s really confusing for anybody who didn’t read Catalyst, and casual fans seemed completely lost. However, I like the idea of things being different than the main saga films. Here’s my idea for the opening.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

Play the prologue at the Erso homestead, probably edited down a bit.

Music ramps up. Cut to crawl.

(My quickly/poorly written crawl)


The Galactic Empire rules with an iron fist. A fledgling rebel force desperately fights back against the Emperor’s tyrannical rule.

Unbeknownst to the rebels, the Empire has been constructing a space station capable of destroying entire planets, the Death Star.

As the project nears completion, captured scientist Galen Erso sends a sympathetic engineer to warn the rebels of the coming threat…

I think it’s best to then open on Bodhi arriving at Saw Gerrera’s before grown up Jyn’s intro.


CBRich13 said:

I think it would be cool in the beginning to have the “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” then have the opening scene then this crawl/title sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4khRa3R27w, then cut to Jyn waking up.

Welcome aboard CBRich13.

As far as the STAR WARS movies go, I will forever recommend that newcomers to the saga watch the ORIGINAL TRILOGY first, no-matter-what…purely for the attention-grabbing opening of EPISODE IV, the likeable (main) cast of characters, the various reveals these movies include, and the all-round-fun and feelgood factor they have, to start their introduction off for them.

On the other hand, where any future ‘viewing order’ for MYSELF is concerned, I reckon I would be content enough to kick things off with a heavily-edited version of ROGUE ONE to act as a kind of ‘prologue’ movie now - mainly for the fact that it does a great job of building up the ominous power of the ‘Death Star’ first.

(It also includes that menacing Vader sequence at the end of course, which makes for an impressive introduction to his character - although I’m hoping it’s possible to trim his earlier appearances somewhat, as I know there’s certain shots/dialogue that I want to get rid of. But having only seen the movie once so far, I’ll need to study it some more to work out what suits me best)

Like THE FORCE AWAKENS before it, I’m pleased that ROGUE ONE seems to have generally re-envigorated the franchise in the eyes of general audiences overall…but there are plenty of moments in both that I’d like to restructure/or remove altogether for my own satisfaction in future - and one of the things that I recently decided I’d prefer to include in ROGUE ONE, would be that shortened, distorted version of EPISODE IV’s scroll as mentioned by CBRich13 above. It seems to be something that was first shown during the live stream from STAR WARS CELEBRATION EUROPE 2016, and I’ll include this alternative link to it which I first came across, so that the various comments below it can be read - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9BuyiFvLJA

Although I’ve seen a few interesting ‘scroll’ proposals around now, this would definately be the one that I’d have loved to have seen included to begin with…and I’m hoping that it will be available amongst the home release extras - although it probably won’t be!

As well as being a neat ‘call back’ to the original A NEW HOPE ‘scroll’ initially (complete with the usual bombastic Williams intro theme initially), the sudden interuption by desperate rebel chatter and alarm sound heard in this variation would have then given a nicely ominous tone to the start of ROGUE ONE as far as I’m concerned - and in this instance, it would have worked as a summary of the events ABOUT to be seen during the movie itself.

However, I’d ideally like to see the usual receding STAR WARS title included in this teaser’s particular ‘scroll’ example, and I’d also prefer to have the ROGUE ONE letters rotate out of the shadows WITHOUT the A STAR WARS STORY byline and border shown (in the same way they rotated in ROGUE ONE’s teaser trailer) - I reckon that would have looked and sounded a LOT better than the mediocre-looking ROGUE ONE title typeface (and bland musical cue) we ended up with. It’s not the fact that the makers decided on a ‘different’ look for the intro to this ‘standalone’ story that bothered me…it’s the fact that they came up with such a poor substitute compared to the usual titles we were used to seeing and hearing!

In addition, anyone watching the ‘follow-up’ A NEW HOPE afterwards would then have the benefit of seeing the complete, full-blown ‘scoll’ with it’s additional third paragraph which describes further info - with that in mind, I’ll also include this link to the full ‘scroll’ (at 0.57 secs) to give an idea of how it comes across now, after having seen the shortened, distorted variation beforehand - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1BUIiDvl1w

While I’d choose to restructure the beginning of the movie differently to how CBRich13 describes, this particular ‘scroll’ proposal is definately the one I’d prefer for my own ideal ROGUE ONE ‘prologue’ intro.


The one thing I disliked most was the Rebel council. jyn’s speech makes them feel unorganized and weak and weak and it’s way too cliche for me.

“This cannot be! Is… Is it an omen?”


I thought that was one of the things Rogue One did the best, honestly.

It really amplified the meaning of “hope” at the end of the movie and into ANH, as that scene demonstrated how jaded and un-unified the “Rebel Alliance” had become prior to the Death Star plans being stolen and Luke Skywalker coming into the picture. Idk, it was one of the things this movie did to make you appreciate the heroes and events of the OT more; how the universe at large - outside of Luke, Leia and Han’s personal bubbles and character arcs - was affected and influenced by the actions of the OT heroes. We knew the Rebel Alliance was losing before, but Rogue One showed how the Empire’s consistent dominance over them progressively broke their collective strength and resolve, and fractured their unity to the point where the Empire damn near won.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I would like to see/hear the battle of hoth music applied to the battle of scarif beach sequence. The hoth music that was cut from ESB would be great to show the might of the empire.

Also, get rid of the music from the death start reveal. Some version of the imperial march would be better suited here.


NFBisms said:

I thought that was one of the things Rogue One did the best, honestly.

It really amplified the meaning of “hope” at the end of the movie and into ANH, as that scene demonstrated how jaded and un-unified the “Rebel Alliance” had become prior to the Death Star plans being stolen and Luke Skywalker coming into the picture. Idk, it was one of the things this movie did to make you appreciate the heroes and events of the OT more; how the universe at large - outside of Luke, Leia and Han’s personal bubbles and character arcs - was affected and influenced by the actions of the OT heroes. We knew the Rebel Alliance was losing before, but Rogue One showed how the Empire’s consistent dominance over them progressively broke their collective strength and resolve, and fractured their unity to the point where the Empire damn near won.

Absolutely agree with you!

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


NFBisms said:

I thought that was one of the things Rogue One did the best, honestly.

It really amplified the meaning of “hope” at the end of the movie and into ANH, as that scene demonstrated how jaded and un-unified the “Rebel Alliance” had become prior to the Death Star plans being stolen and Luke Skywalker coming into the picture. Idk, it was one of the things this movie did to make you appreciate the heroes and events of the OT more; how the universe at large - outside of Luke, Leia and Han’s personal bubbles and character arcs - was affected and influenced by the actions of the OT heroes. We knew the Rebel Alliance was losing before, but Rogue One showed how the Empire’s consistent dominance over them progressively broke their collective strength and resolve, and fractured their unity to the point where the Empire damn near won.

I personally thought the theme, and more specifically the word “hope” was tossed around way too much in the movie. We know ep IV is called ‘a new hope’ and it felt like they were trying to remind us every fifteen minutes ‘hey! this ties in to ep IV!’ hope!!’

More to the point, I don’t deny that grabbing the plans brought all that hope to the alliance, hope they lacked at that point. What I didn’t like is how they made it seem that Jyn was the only reason they bothered to go get those plans. It made the Rebel Alliance, all those iconic figures in it like Mothma, look weak.

“This cannot be! Is… Is it an omen?”


I probably wasn’t paying enough attention but I only really noticed that word at the end.


All I remember was a guy who needed oxygen, a woman who’s Dad was important for some reason or another, and HOLYSHITMOTHERFUCKING DARTH VADER.

Also there were Tie Fighters and X-Wings. Total ANH rehash.


TV’s Frink said:

Total ANH rehash.

You’ve become so predictable, always rehashing the same forced sarcasm about Disney’s movies blatant issues. Get over it dude…