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Star Wars: Deleted Magic (Released) — Page 8

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
ocpmovie: Of course I would kill hundreds for a release of the actual Lost Cut.

Rikter: Count me in on your quest

Which quest was that - to kill hundreds, or get the lost cut?

"The president wants to know if everything's ok, or should we nuke Russia?"
"Tell him 'yes' on 1 and 'no' on 2."
"Uh, was that 'yes' on 'nuke Russia' or, uh, number 2?"

(Only cool people will get that reference. )

Isnt that quote from the Peter Sellers movie.... dr stranglove? Or am I fumbling in the dark?

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Just got finished watching my Deleted Magic disc and all I can say is wow. I can't imagine the time it must've taken to amass the necessary materials and compile them together in this way. And although I had seen most of the footage before, never before in such a spectacular presentation. This really should be appended to the official Lucasfilm DVD set. Either that or Lucasfilm should hire Garrett to re-make this using original source materials rather than bootlegs upon bootlegs of various specials.

I applaud you, Garrett, as many others here have. I look forward to seeing a possible version 2.0 and to just what exactly you'll do to Empire and Jedi in the long run.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.


"The president wants to know if everything's ok, or should we nuke Russia?"
"Tell him 'yes' on 1 and 'no' on 2."
"Uh, was that 'yes' on 'nuke Russia' or, uh, number 2?"

(Only cool people will get that reference. )

Isnt that quote from the Peter Sellers movie.... dr stranglove? Or am I fumbling in the dark?

Actually its from Buckaroo Banzai

I am still waiting for Buckaroo Banzai vs. The World Crime League

Penny Priddy: Buckaroo, you forgot your thruster.
Buckaroo Banzai: Why don't you hold onto it for a while?
Penny Priddy: Any time.
Very Cool DVD. If I did not know better. I've would have said this was done over at ILM. And Nice Splash Screen!! when the disc stops. not all players show the Splash Screen on some DVDs. I wish all films had a Splash Screen. The Matrix and LOTRs DVDs have one. IMO when GL gets ready to do the "Super Super Jedi Max 6 Pack Box Set" he should check out this one for Ideas.

anyway I am glad I got one. Great Work.

§ JxF §

Thanks Beastly, Jango and everyone!

Part 9 is back online ... T's mistake, since corrected.

Metallaxis ... Sorry about your DVD-ROM extras being screwed up. A minor problem luckily .... they're not really part of the program, and not necessary. Anyone else have that problem, or any corruption on their discs? As far as I know, there have been no problems on all the other discs ... and I've sent out something like a hundred!

Well, we'll get it torrenting anyway.
Hi ocpmovie!

I have sent you an email about the stuff we talked about in our email conversation, but you havent responded yet..... is there something wrong?

Please let me know.....

Best regards
Do, or do not. There is no try.
Previous post reminder: I got my deleted magic DVD from ocpmovie, but some files were unreadable (those ones written in the disc's outer zone)
I don't put any blame on ocpmovie at all, I'm sure that quality checking for every single disc that he sent would be an enormus loss of time, comsidering the amount of discs he sent. I just happened to be the unlucky one. (PS: thank you ocp for you reply to my mail, as you can see I'm doing the exact thing you suggested)

So, I ask you for one more time: Can someone PLEASE provide me with the files I couldn't read?
Their total size is 44 MB, and I could provide you with the server and the webspace if you would just be willing to upload them for me (PM me for details).
Even if someone could not upload the full 44MB, a single file upload would be greatly appreciated.

So here's the list of files I couldn't read:

root directory\ROTJ SE rough version ending.wmv
root directory\Star Wars First Draft.DOC
root directory\Star Wars Published Fourth Draft.doc
root directory\Star Wars Reviseed Fourth Draft.txt
root directory\Star Wars Second Draft.DOC
root directory\Star Wars Third Draft.DOC and
root directory\SWPreviewCrawl.mov

Thank you.
And now, for your feature presentation:
The Classic Re-re-re-release of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back.
In this version the word "WOOKIE" has been changed to "HAIR CHALLENGED ANIMAL" and the entire cast has been digitally replaced by Ewoks.
Edroj .... check inside your spam "Bulk" email folders. I've been checking my own just to read some of your messages, and I've replied to all of the ones I've received.
the last email I got from you is from april 14th....... I have sent you another today......

Best regards
Do, or do not. There is no try.
"I was planning on installing my Datsuns Overthruster yesterday but it was raining "

LOL...Hey, where are those VOBs you promised me?!?

"Isnt that quote from the Peter Sellers movie.... dr stranglove? Or am I fumbling in the dark?"

Totally fumbling - it isn't even a black&white film. (Sorry, but you just aren't cool )

"I am still waiting for Buckaroo Banzai vs. The World Crime League"

Hell Yes! Where is that sucker!?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

"Isnt that quote from the Peter Sellers movie.... dr stranglove? Or am I fumbling in the dark?"

Totally fumbling - it isn't even a black&white film. (Sorry, but you just aren't cool )

Im so uncool.....
Do, or do not. There is no try.
JED, randall_flagg, thank you for your help. I tried to thank you with PM, but you both have it disabled.
Anyway, I got the files, Russs15 was kind enough to upload them for me.
All 3 of you are great, thanks.
And now, for your feature presentation:
The Classic Re-re-re-release of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back.
In this version the word "WOOKIE" has been changed to "HAIR CHALLENGED ANIMAL" and the entire cast has been digitally replaced by Ewoks.
Hey OCPMovie,

Just got my hands on a copy of this. I wanted to say thanks and ask a few questions...

1) Thanks :-) It's really good to see all of this out-take footage. It even spurred me into loking on some old CD-Rs to see if I have anything you didn't. Sadly, it wasn't to be :-)

2) A few of the sections on the DVD seem to have two audio tracks. Is there any difference between the two?

3) I know it's impolite to bitch about a fan made work such as this, but why did you "burn in" the explanitory notes rather than placing them in the subtitles? I wouldn't usually mind - but on a few occaisions the subtitle stream overlaps with the on screen text!

4) Similarly, the black bars on the widescreen sections aren't truely black. It would make the picture a lot smoother and give you more space on the disc if the black portions were solid black.

5) This is possibly the holy grail of fan DVDs. I can't even imagine how much work and dedication went into this project. And, if you want to fly me out to the USA, I'm only too happy to work on the next ones with you ;-)


Hey Terry! Thanks for the kind words.

2) A few of the sections on the DVD seem to have two audio tracks. Is there any difference between the two?

The second audio track was used to save disc space on some of the special features ... an extra audio track was used for Garrick Hagon's extended interview, and for the two different versions of Lapti Nek.

3) I know it's impolite to bitch about a fan made work such as this, but why did you "burn in" the explanitory notes rather than placing them in the subtitles? I wouldn't usually mind - but on a few occaisions the subtitle stream overlaps with the on screen text!

The explanatory notes are burned in because the film is not intended to be viewed without them. Without the notes, certain scenes would just be showing what the final film already does! Also, the burned in subtitles look better than DVD-standard subtitles.

I avoided putting burned-in notes on the deleted scenes such as Biggs and Jabba, so you get "extra notes" appearing on the subtitle track. In some cases, the scene being subtitled was so short, that to make its notes readable they did butt up against the burned-in subtitles a little bit.

Still, better than no notes.
"Also, the burned in subtitles look better than DVD-standard subtitles."


<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

From thedigitalbits.com:
We've got a rare Sunday post for you with a bit of new Star Wars DVD news. At the Celebration III convention in Indianapolis this weekend, George Lucas let it slip that a new DVD box set of all 6 films is in the works, possibly to include an all-new bonus disc containing deleted scenes from the original trilogy. Expect no further changes in the films themselves. In addition, don't look for a high-definition release of the films in 2007. Lucas also confirmed that the digitally-screened version of Episode III will be slightly longer than the traditional film version. You can click here to read more at The Force.net. Note that the story contains what some may consider to be a slight spoiler about the upcoming film.

Sounds like new DM Special Edition in '07.

Dr. M


I take it Lucas will be up to more tinkering in this set...
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
It does say "Expect no further changes in the films themselves."

We can hope he's done screwing around (unless he now wants to make Ep. 1-3 updates to conform with ep's. 4-6. Then I'm all for it).

Dr. M

How much does the Deleted Magic DVD cost?
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
I just finished watching this, and I have very few words to say about it.

I'll start with WOW! This DVD was like watching Star Wars for the first time all over again!

Thanks, Garrett, for your wonderful work, and all the best in the future!
Originally posted by: Jedikev
How much does the Deleted Magic DVD cost?

You can download it for free on myspleen.net

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Thanks Rikter.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
Watching the DM disc after being subjected to all the hype for Ep III reminded me of why I fell in love with the first three films. Thanks so much for all of your hard work.

One question, and forgive me if it's been asked before, but are you at all nervous about being sued since you used some interviews directly from the DVD set documentary? Since it's the most recent material on your disc, I'd say that it's the footage most likely to get you into hot water. I know you're not selling the discs and that Lucasfilm is fairly lenient on folks as long as they aren't trying to make a profit, but we're living in a very litigious time right now esp. when it comes to films.
All material on the disc could get me sued, not just the interviews. If I was that worried about it, I couldn't have made the film in the first place. And isn't it better that I made it anyway? =)
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
All material on the disc could get me sued, not just the interviews. If I was that worried about it, I couldn't have made the film in the first place. And isn't it better that I made it anyway? =)

THE WORLD is a better place my friend!!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK