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StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread — Page 11

Originally posted by: Hardcore Legend

It says you made an update on March 9, yet I can't find any changes to the site??

Also, what's the reason behind discontinuing the larger images being able to pop up when clicked on in the tutorial?

It was just a little thing... I edited some text on the homepage. And there's no "reason" per se, for discontinuing the larger images, I just rushed the pages out... I'll update those in time...


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"Ahh, backups backups backups - you gotta love those new 'one touch' 200GB extrernal backup drives!"

That doesn't help me much, when I have 3 150's, a 200, and a 250.

Maybe I should get a couple of the new Hitachi 400GB drives?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Nice work on R. 2. Mike. I really liked the hologram of the blockade runner.

have you given any thought yet as to how you are going to address the issue of mos eisley. the main point being the ronto inserted into the long panning shot of the landspeeder going from left to right before pulling up at the cantina?

I can see how a certain amount of masking is going to be required. would I be right in saying that you would need to create a new background plate to mask out the ronto and then drop the landspeeder + shadow on top of it?

also, the han/greedo shot?

one way is of course is to use laserdisc footage but I'm curious if you've managed to filter the LD footage sufficiently well to make it sit in the middle of the DVD standard resolution of the movie.

any pointers regarding this.
When a woman says yes, she means no - when she says maybe, she means no.

Originally posted by: tellan

have you given any thought yet as to how you are going to address the issue of mos eisley. the main point being the ronto inserted into the long panning shot of the landspeeder going from left to right before pulling up at the cantina?
any pointers regarding this.

These and similar sections will be straight swapping of footage from other versions. As for which version they would be coming from, I can't say just yet.


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Very interesting!

What could this "mystery" source be i wonder?
  • do or do not, there is no try -
I would assume that also means you have access to the entire film and not just those segments? Would you be willing to do a full transfer of this and release it, if it's superior to the LDs? If not, I understand why, but just a suggestion.
Originally posted by: ChainsawAsh
I would assume that also means you have access to the entire film and not just those segments? Would you be willing to do a full transfer of this and release it, if it's superior to the LDs? If not, I understand why, but just a suggestion.

And here's an additional question- how good would this new image source have to be for you to discontinue your project?
There is no source good enough for me to discontinue work: if I had a 2k print of the film scanned, it would still have color issues that needed correcting and clean-up to do.


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but it appears that the motivations behind changing Star Wars have almost nothing to do with creativity, and everything to do with his divorce from Marcia.

Whoa. That's a new one. I don't buy it for shit, but at least the reasons are new. How would his changing the effects work have anything to do with his divorce from Marcia? There's nothing he's done that's going to a) Remove Marcia's credit from the film b) remove any real editorial input Marcia made into the film c) block any further financial payoff to Marcia as a result of the divorce.

I don't know who you're talking to, but whoever it is, it sounds like the same sort of weird armchair office psychoanalysis that every employee does of his/her boss. And that kind of stuff is typically WAY off.

I've spent a lot of research time trying to figure out the percentage chance that an OT would EVER be released, and I have to tell you I think it's near zero.

You need to get your sources close to Jim Ward. He's been pushing for a re-release of the originals for quite some time now. And chances are he'll get a shot at it either in 2007, or when it goes to HD. It'll eventually happen, whether it'll be anything other than a special feature curio by the time it happens is what's really the question. But Ward (and a lot of people at LFL and Marketing) would like nothing more than to sell yet ANOTHER version of Star Wars back to the people. It's not like they haven't tried.
The Best Show You've Never Heard
The Marcia comment actually makes a lot of sense. It could be one of the reasons he took so long in getting the Prequels made, too.


Well at least the reversed surround channels have been addressed.

Even if you had a complete print, and got it scanned at full rez, that is around one hundred and 80 thousand frames (180,000 frames) that need to be captured one frame at a time (it's automated, but still one at a time), and a cineon 10bit cinemascope frame at full resolution is about 40+MB in size, so around 7000 gigabytes of storage for the film. (or if you come in at low rez, around 1500 GB for the film).
The you have to fix the damn thing.

No surviving prints have the correct colour anymore, and we aren't likely to get access to the three strip masters anytime soon.
So even if you went to the massive effort, did a wetgate or infrared transfer. and then a two way anamorphic adjustment, you would be left with a massive cleanup operation, colour adjustments and so on.
Not the sort of thing one person is likely to do and then release to the masses for free only to get their arse chewed off by lucasfilm at the end of it.

You gotta remember that most prints of ANH are now over 25 years old, and have been through lord knows how many projectors. All the ones on Eastman stock are now a happy shade of pink to boot.

So no, I can't imagine you will be seeing a direct film transfer available anytime soon from an individual. It would take a dedicated team with a lot of money,time, resources and Death Star sized balls.
The Marcia comment actually makes a lot of sense.

How? I don't see it at all. I can MAYBE see your point about the divorce causing him to not work on the prequels, but I don't see how Marcia is responsible for the changes to the SE, or why he thinks the OT won't ever be released again.
The Best Show You've Never Heard
Mike, for some of the duel shots, the previously unpainted lightsabers had a simple glow added for the DVD, but lack the distictive white cores of other shots and of the other films.

Are you fixing that mistake?

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.

Hey Mike,

How's the process going? Are you finding it necessary to make adjustments to EVERY FRAME of film or are there segments or scenes that really don't need any touching up at all?

Rooting for you,
Originally posted by: Brimley
Hey Mike,

How's the process going? Are you finding it necessary to make adjustments to EVERY FRAME of film or are there segments or scenes that really don't need any touching up at all?

Rooting for you,

It's going... updates pending. I can't say every frame needs adjusting, since sometimes there are small sections of the film that adjacent cuts get adjusted to match - that is, some areas become the templates themselves. But no frame is going unchecked, and more often than not there's something to do.


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FYI to all.


Mike, Congrats on being quoted at SuperHeroHype. Excellent interview!

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but will have eternal life." The Holy Bible - John 3:16
Yeah, great interview! I didn't know your work was that extensive, but I'm happy to say I've been a fan of yours for a while- particularly the work on the Scooby Doo teaser. Nice to connect the man I've emailed to the work I've enjoyed! Hope to hear more about the Legacy project in the future.

Thanks so much for the work you're doing. I have friends at the Library of Congress Motion Picture Conservation Division and one of them told me that although ANH was added to the National Film Registry, Lucasfilm would only supply them with a print of the SE. They do have access to an original 1977 print (pre Episode IV) from which to make a copy, but have yet to actually pursue the matter. Even though it would be a negative made from a print, at least the original would survive in some form. I find it hard to believe that Lucas would completely destroy the film that made him a gazillionaire.

Anyway, fantastic work so far. I look forward to the final results. Keep the faith.
Is there any way your friend(s) would be willing or able to make a HD digital transfer of this print?
Sorry it took so long for me to reply. My profile got screwed up and I had to create a new one.

My friend would love to get a hold of that print and preserve it, but you have to understand that he works for the government. There is so much red tape that has to be cleared before they accept that print and make a dupe of it. I'm sure that if Lucas caught wind of it he'd throw a holy fit and remove whatever prints that the LOC already posesses. It's kind of sad to know that preserving an original print is that close to happening but probably won't ever come to pass.
Since Star Wars was added to the National Film Registry in 1989, why did Lucasfilm take so long to provide them with a print? There have to be other prints floating around though. In 2003, Lucasfilm blocked an L.A. film festival from showing a non-se version.
Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?

Oh, no doubt there are prints floating around. The thing is, the film stock used at that time was notoriously prone to fading. If new safety dupes aren't made soon, STAR WARS as we knew it could truly no longer exist in a projectible form. Lucas himself has said that the original negs on STAR WARS are in horrible shape. Who knows exactly what he has lying around? I mean, I'm sure he has duplicates of the material but they're never a substitute for the original camera negatives. It's just a shame that he seems to have disowned the original versions.
And that's the reason we're all here, right?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.