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Post #1036922

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
20-Jan-2017, 7:30 PM

generalfrevious said:

Warbler said:

generalfrevious said:

ferris209 said:

generalfrevious said:

ferris209 said:

“White people are collectively responsible for slavery.”

“White people are collectively responsible for racism.”

“Men are collectively responsible for rape”

“White privilege!”

“These cop shootings are indicative of a systemic problem within the entire police department and in all police departments across America!”

“HEY! Don’t lump me in with those violent protesters! They don’t represent the movement as a whole!”

You won’t have to listen to crap a year from now feris; they will all be in prison by then.

Doom saying. And no they wont, they’ll be at every event Trump is for the foreseeable future.

That’s not doomsaying. That’s how protesters are dealt with in many countries.

But its not how protesters are dealt with here.

No, we have a long history of putting protesters in jail. Just look up Henry David Thoreau or Martin Luther King, to name a few examples.

I guess you’ve forgotten about our 1st amendment.