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Post #1035357

TV's Frink
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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
18-Jan-2017, 9:34 AM

Alderaan said:

There is enough baiting already.

Unlike your posts which are almost always directed personally at other members, I was simply replying to the discussion with my point of view. Maybe your time and energy would be better spent doing something else besides policing every thread on OT.com in an attempt to rebut every anti-Disney/anti-LFL post. At the very least, you would be less agitated.

Fine. We’re both to blame, but unlike you, I’m going to be an adult about this going forward. I’ll just ignore every worthless thing you post. Have fun trolling.

You’re on the record (in more ways than one) as a quantity over quality guy.


You just said in your last post, the more the better. If they suck, who cares, and if they are good, well then that’s a bonus. You fully endorsed the “throw as much **** at the wall” and hope something sticks approach.

If I were a quantity over quality guy, I wouldn’t care about quality. Yes I want more Star Wars, but I’m not going to watch it more than once if it sucks. I want both quantity and quality, not one over the other.