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Post #1034682

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Date created
16-Jan-2017, 8:10 PM

Tyrphanax said:

dahmage said:

Tyrphanax said:


The rest may also apply, but to a lesser degree.

isn’t that a Bib Fortuna line? (r tow-a d tow-a) (sorry, don’t know how it was really pronounced, and can’t figure out how to find a script by googling when i don’t know how to phonetically spell what i am searching for.)

I believe that’s how Threepio introduces Artoo to Jabba, actually.

pushes up his nerd glasses and snaps his suspenders

well, you are certainly right, but doesn’t Bib then repeat this to Jabba? man, i should really just check the video instead of being publicly wrong, and loosing a nerd fight…