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Post #1034087

Swift S. Lawliet
Parent topic
Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)
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Date created
15-Jan-2017, 4:29 AM

a_o said:

alexp120 said:

Revolution said:

Is there any interest in obtaining a true 5.1 source or using the 6.1 source from the blu >rays etc?

  • Rev

If you need to cure your 5.1 fix, on the 'spleen there are audio files for the Star Wars Original Trilogy (aka. GOUT) that uses the rarely heard 1997 Special Edition sound mix made from the original CinemaDTS CD-ROM discs. Of course, portions of the audio include the sound mix from the GOUT to patch over footages where the 1997 SE audio would be out-of-place.

Just mux these to the MKV video and you are good to go.

is the music score quieter than the SFX during the death star attack? i dont recall if that change happened in 97 or 2004/2011

I think that happened in the 2004 version.

I listened to the 2011 version once and I think it wasn’t there.