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Post #1034062

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What do you HATE about the EU?
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Date created
15-Jan-2017, 2:19 AM

flametitan said:

Tyrphanax said:

DominicCobb said:

Lord Haseo said:

I actually read a few of the Legacy comics and they’re not that bad but they’re not particularly good either. The only reason I could recommend someone reading them is if you’re interested in Darth Krayt. Supposedly he’s stronger than Bane or Sidious.

Is he a dragon?

He’s (SPOILERS?) actually a PT-era Jedi who named himself that for reasons pertaining to his character.

Wasn’t the point of Legacy to try and put themselves as far flung from the PT/OT era as possible while still allowing for ghost Luke, or do I have that mixed up with a different comic line? A PT era character seems out of line with that.

It didn’t stop the writer from rehashing everything from those eras, only more EXTREME!!!

Didn’t like the Rule of Two? Well here’s the Rule of One – ie. one Sith Lord ruling over an order of thousands of Sith.

Like Darth Maul? Well now every Sith is Darth Maul!

Found the Great Jedi Purge underwhelming? Well here’s another Jedi purge to make up for it.

Didn’t like that the New Republic eventually beat the Empire? Well here’s the Empire back again.

Legacy was the nadir of the Expanded Universe. It exposed for all to see just how bereft of originality the EU was by that point.