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Post #1034042

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What do you HATE about the EU?
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Date created
15-Jan-2017, 1:01 AM

Tyrphanax said:

DominicCobb said:

Lord Haseo said:

I actually read a few of the Legacy comics and they’re not that bad but they’re not particularly good either. The only reason I could recommend someone reading them is if you’re interested in Darth Krayt. Supposedly he’s stronger than Bane or Sidious.

Is he a dragon?

He’s (SPOILERS?) actually a PT-era Jedi who named himself that for reasons pertaining to his character.

Wasn’t the point of Legacy to try and put themselves as far flung from the PT/OT era as possible while still allowing for ghost Luke, or do I have that mixed up with a different comic line? A PT era character seems out of line with that.