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Post #1033250

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Neverar's A New Hope Technicolor Recreation (Final Version Released!)
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Date created
13-Jan-2017, 12:07 AM

Intruder said:

I liked the contrast of your previous version, but the sky really profits from either the reduced contrast or added yellows. DrDre, what if you lower the contrast just by a bit in comparison to the first version?
I fiddled a bit around with Photoshop and multiplied 30% luminance of the new one with the old one, which results in this:


I really like it, but it’s just my view through a calibrated, but not professional display.

NeverarGreat, if you don’t want this discussion in your project, I can of course move that to a private topic 😉

Here’s the same colors as the last set with the contrast of the previous set: