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Post #1033101

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Info: Dragon Ball Z, and the Dragon Ball series in general...
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Date created
12-Jan-2017, 1:45 PM

Molly said:

Those names are not familiar. Someone linked me a Mega folder, but the vast majority of his rips were the exact same as I had, which I downloaded in 2011.

The three episodes I did were from the best cap source available at the time, one that had somewhat flickery colors, but was complete and slightly undercut, from Toonami UK.

Oh, that’s strange. Last time I talked to Arien he seemed to believe you were a friend of Clutchins going by the name of usotsuki over on Kametsu, guess he was mistaken.

Yes, I also have the TVrips you’re referring to. Most of those were collected on the now closed Cartoon World forum from back in the day. However, since around 2014 Dismantles revealed on Kametsu that he’s gotten possession of a bunch of YTV recordings. I’ve talked to Arien about this (who’s a friend of his) and he’s told me that the tapes feature high quality audio of all the Ocean and Blue Water dubbed episodes that aired in Canada, so for DBZ that would start off somewhere around the Cell Games saga when Gohan transforms and continue until the end of the series. The Trunks/Android & Early Cell saga episodes only aired in the UK and Netherlands so they’re unfortunately not available in the same quality.

That being said, last three Toonami links I posted were taken from DVD recordings by a person in the UK called Robo4900. Arien recently made a trade with him in order to acquire recordings of DBZ episodes 115-120 + 192 as well as GT episodes 52-56 + 64. This was a great find, especially for the Android saga episodes which weren’t apart of the YTV recordings.

Dismantles and Arien have talked about doing a remaster similar to yours (using FUNi singles as a video source for authenticity) and have expressed interest in getting help with that. It does appear that it’s taking Dismantles a very long time to digitize the tapes though so no word yet on when the audio will be made available.

With all these new sources a new remaster is bound to happen, it’s just a matter of when.