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Post #1032822

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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers **
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Date created
11-Jan-2017, 9:30 PM

NeverarGreat said:

nightmare scenario: Alden Ehrenreich has the CGI face of young Harrison Ford.

I think it’s safe to assume that even after the general audience’s praise of CGI Tarkin and Leia, Disney still wouldn’t pump money into doing young Han this way. And as the main character, it would also be a little insulting to Ehrenreich, who was sold to us as the new “face” of young Han.

That’s one of my issues with Rogue One doing these classic character recreations. If they’re recasting a young Han for this movie, why not just recast Tarkin and Leia. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the visual callback, but it seems to take away from the acclaim that Guy Henry, in particular, deserves. It also sets up the expectation that if we ever see young Leia again, she has to look like Carrie Fischer.

But it’s a moot point, and this is just my opinion, so I digress.

But the inclusion of Woody Harrelson has me so damn excited for this movie. And I’ve been against a young Han movie from almost the beginning. But this… changes things.