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Post #1032215

Jetrell Fo
Parent topic
Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)
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Date created
10-Jan-2017, 9:35 PM

JayArgonaut said:

Wazzles said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Dek Rollins said:

^PM sent.

These requests should really be directed to the spleen forums. Why they keep being directed here is confusing.

Because people keep sending them invites here. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those people come back.

Yeah, hit and runners. Apparently once they’ve become members, some of them don’t even bother to seed and simply delete the torrents once the download is complete.

When I inquired about it over at the Spleen I was told that those coming there for Star Wars are usually the worst members ever. I choked on my water I laughed so hard.