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Post #1030502

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4K restoration on Star Wars
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Date created
8-Jan-2017, 8:16 AM

But it was well known that TFA-3D was scheduled for christmas 2016, in order to make more money with people buying the 2D version AND the 3D version a few months later (Disney has such respect for SW fans, we all know that…). Some people here went crazy about “It would make so much sense to release a boxset of 4-5-6-7, it’s got to be that”. Yep, we’ve all seen that… And also the “Disney gave 4 billions to GL so now they are going to release the OOT, they didn’t use his script for 7-8-9 it’s a proof they don’t care about him !, it’s going to be for 2015… well, 2016… well, 2017… well… etc”.

(some just forgot that 2017 is as much SW 40th anniversary as it is SW SE 20th anniversary…)

Disney just made 2 very bad SW movies in a row, I don’t consider them to be the Guardians of the SW Temple I have wished for. They are business man, that’s all. Bad movies, no OOT, nothing of value added to the SW canon (even things removed and then recycled… badly recycled, see Thrawn in Rebels), bad tvseries, etc. Well done Disney, you’ve done worst than GL himself and it only took 2 years !