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Post #1030288

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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
7-Jan-2017, 7:09 PM

imperialscum said:

I would disagree that Tarkin shows any anger in ANH. Unlike Vader, who is pretty much calm throughout OT, Tarkin does raise his vice here and there. However, I would not call it anger. He seems to be on top of things all the time. He does seem to be annoyed sometimes though, e.g. “she lied to us!”.

Yes, I agree, it’s more annoyment than anger; however, I find a big difference between the range of emotions his human self expresses in ANH and what they have him be in RO.

What I was trying to emphasize is that this being a problem that has to do with the way the lines sound/are delivered as well, it can’t be charged on the CGI but on the very way the character is written, or acted, or directed.

EDIT: There is only one moment I remember from RO when he does something more natural, which is a gesture with his face while saying “rebellion” (if I remember right), a sort of “that will do” assertion.