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Post #1030261

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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
7-Jan-2017, 5:38 PM

RRS-1980 said:

ray_afraid said:
I’m pretty impressed by the Tarkin in R1. […] I bought it! Not as Peter Cushing, but as the character of Tarkin.

It’s apparently true that most men are focused mainly on visuals and technical details. That’s what we read all over the net, “CGI this, CGI that”. For me the biggest deparature from original Tarkin/Cushing was the voice… oh, how I missed his rrr’s 😉 …a distinct accent from a person born 100 years ago.

Yes, the voice was a bit off. Stanton tried his best and it sounded better than he did for Tarkin in Rebels.

I saw this three times and it got better the third time. The second time, I was sick, the theater seats were uncomfortable, the projection sucked and my little cousin insisted on sitting way in the back (I took him because his parents didn’t want to go see it and he wouldn’t have gotten to). The third time, I was in VIP seating in a good theater with decent projection and had a supply of cough drops and Cherry Vanilla Coke to keep me from feeling like garbage.