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Post #1029832

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Can Someone Explain the Map to Luke Skywalker?
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Date created
6-Jan-2017, 5:44 PM

Cthulhunicron said:

Mavimao said:

I always assumed it was Rey who triggers R2’s wake.

Here’s another plothole for episode 4: if Leia knew they had a tracking device on the Millenium Falcon, why did they go straight to the rebel base? Why not go to some moon, rendez vous with some rebels and use the MF as a lure later on.

According to the people who made the movie, you’re wrong. But I don’t blame you for assuming that, because the movie didn’t make their intentions clear.

That’s the filmmakers explanation and you can take it or leave it. The official, in-universe explanation is still open to a different explanation.

TFA is kind of vague about a lot of stuff. I don’t really understand why Leia’s forces are called The Resistance and not simply “The Republic Army.” The movie doesn’t really make it very clear which force is dominant in the galaxy, First Order or New Republic/Resistance. Do a few searches on the internet, you’ll see a lot of people were confused about various things in TFA.

The film is shy about getting into details, but you can still figure it out. The Republic has been the dominant force in the galaxy, but is sort of hands off (“a regime that acquiesces to disorder”). The First Order is relatively new (“in [Luke’s] absence the sinister First Order has risen from the ashes of the Empire”) and has taken control of a number of systems and is in the process of taking the rest (“all remaining systems will bow to the First Order”). The Republic says publicly it doesn’t have a problem with the First Order, but is actually trying to stop them through the clandestine Resistance (“the New Republic lies to the galaxy while secretly supporting the treachery of the loathsome Resistance”).