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Post #1029472

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Return of the Jedi - Remastered (Released)
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Date created
5-Jan-2017, 8:03 PM


I just watched the edit. I love the original trilogy, including ROTJ. I think it has some of the best moments in the saga. However, the movie is make weaker than the others by some key “distractions”, when the movie should be about the Rebels winning and Luke and his father. These distractions are:

-Jedi Rocks/Lapti Nek/dumb stuff in Jabba’s palace
-Han’s jealousy of Leia, which makes him seem immature and lame.
-And Ewok silliness in the final battle.

Your edit takes care of the all three perfectly. I like the Ewoks, and I like how they’re cute. But when (in the battle) they somehow take out armoured stormtroopers, it kinda kills suspension of disbelief.

The edits you made in the Endor ground battle scenes are basically perfection. It’s completely believable. Han and Leia get trapped in the bunker, C3PO and the Ewoks realize this and get help. They arrive as a distraction when the rebels are brought outside with their hands up. The Imperials go after them, and get a nasty suprise from the Ewok’s bow&arrows. From there on out, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and the rebels fight the fight and get their job done. The Ewoks do their part and run around and distract the empire. They try to fight but their sticks and stones just can’t beat the imperials. Finally, Chewie breaks into an AT-AT, does some real damage, Han and Leia get into the base, and the rest is history.

Great job! Except for the standard cleanup editors always do in v2.0, I don’t think anything should be changed regarding the Endor ground battle.

Regarding the rest of the film that I haven’t mentioned, I could really care less. There are a couple lines you cut out I think could have been left in. There are also 1 or 2 lines that I think would have been better left out. But others would probably disagree, and in the end it doesn’t really matter. Good luck with whatever cleanup you do in v.2.0

What really matters are the “3 pillars of weakness in ROTJ” that I went over above. You’ve taken care of all three.