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Post #1028201

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Ranking the Star Wars Soundtracks
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Date created
3-Jan-2017, 2:54 PM

The prequels make me sad. TPM had really quite a decent soundtrack with tons of original stuff and themes that were interwoven with themes from the OT. Great soundtrack.

But then AOTC and ROTS came along and in large part just inappropriately reused the TPM score in various places. Williams still had it because Across the Stars is one of the best pieces of Star Wars music ever written, and Battle of the Heroes is pretty decent as well, but the amount of reuse of Duel of the Fates and The Droid Invasion (and not even in thematic ways like we see the reuse of The Imperial March or The Force Theme in the OT) just annoys me. It feels less like the PT was scored after TPM and more like Lucas just said “Eh throw in that popular one from the first movie.”

That said, listening to the PT soundtracks kills me because I wish we had gotten a PT that was worthy of that music instead of what we got.