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Post #1027913

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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)
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Date created
3-Jan-2017, 6:04 AM

gamexl said:

Adey77 said:


I was wondering if anyone is familiar with burning the avchd version on a Mac.

I can’t seem to find the blank dvd’s large enough to burn either New Hope of Empire strikes back, as they’re both above 8.5 gigs.

from what I understood, I had to just copy the files unto the disk in Finder to initiate the burning, but with the file size I don’t know what I’m to do?

does anyone have a solution, or would this require a Blu Ray burner, if so does anyone have any suggestions?

Hi Adey77,
I also have a Mac and downloaded the avchd version of Star Wars. (Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 AVCHD) When I check the size of the file on my Mac it says it’s 8.48Gb on disk. So it should be possible to burn on a dual layer DVD (also known as a DVD9). I recommend using Toast Titanium. I don’t want to burn the avchd version but I’ve imported the files to see what Toast Titanium has to say about it and it seems there’s no problem. The software reads that it will take 7.90 Gb on the disk and that there will be 56.5 Mb of free disk space left.
I hope this helps.

the AVCHD files I have are large, New hope is about 8.6 and Empire is 8.7, only return shows up as being around 8.3 in finder.

I’m not sure why mine are showing as being larger than your versions.