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Post #1027011

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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
1-Jan-2017, 5:35 AM

Tyrphanax said:

Yeah, Bail is going to send Leia to Tatooine to find Obi-Wan. That much we know from what he says, and we know Artoo and Threepio are stationed on the Tantive IV from Revenge of the Sith. They probably think they’re headed to Tatooine, so when everything is suddenly redirected to Scarif because Jyn and Cassian went rogue, Threepio expresses his disdain for being left out of the loop.

I assume Leia’s ship was docked with the Profundity in orbit above Yavin IV considering we see Admiral Raddus at the Rebel meeting to discuss attacking Scarif, after which he leaves in a huff, which is then when Bail goes to give Leia her mission. When Raddus hears about Rogue One’s attack on Scarif and decides to go fight, she’s kinda trapped and along for the ride in his ship, not knowing she’d end up with the plans.

Once she gets them and escapes, she continues the mission Bail gave her to find Obi-Wan, but this time with more urgency since she now has the plans. And of course it’s all thrown for a loop when Vader catches up with her and she’s captured, but it all works out for the Rebels in the end.

No you are making stuff up. is that you “Gilroy?”