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Post #1026546

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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)
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Date created
31-Dec-2016, 10:26 AM

solkap said:

gamexl said:

Hi there! I just learnt about the new versions but I am a newbie on how to get the propper files to enjoy the new trilogy versions at home. Can anyone help me? I need the correct nzb file for the DVD9 versions. (As I work on a Mac I can’t run any .exe files neither) Thank you and may the force be with us!

Hi gamexl!

Did you ever get any help from anyone?

I’m not sure why you would need an nzb file, even using a Mac.

Once you have the links to all the rar files, it’s just a matter of downloading them with a download manager (for speed’s sake) and extracting them.

Can you give some more details on what step it is in the process of downloading and extracting that giving you problems?

Did you notice the post directly above yours??? In case you’re still not tracking, make sure to click the expand buttons…

gamexl said:

ahughes03 said:

gamexl said:

Hi there! I just learnt about the new versions but I am a newbie on how to get the propper files to enjoy the new trilogy versions at home. Can anyone help me? I need the correct nzb file for the DVD9 versions. (As I work on a Mac I can’t run any .exe files neither) Thank you and may the force be with us!

On NZBKing, search for “despecialized AVCHD” and Towne32’s 2.7 version of Star Wars is the top hit. All parts are there, so it should download fine.

Great! Thank you for the information. Just what I needed!

Sometimes I’m not sure if people remember to read before posting…

In case you needed clarification, nzbs are usenet files. Much like a torrent file, they can be loaded into a usenet reader/downloader program, and the program will download the file and (usually) unpack it. Usenet has the advantage of saturating your download bandwidth, unlike torrents which only download at the speed of the connected peers’ allowed upload bandwidth.