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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 86


Yeah I may be harsh, but until this stupid Vader scene I didn’t like the movie at all either. Very bad war movie and a SW out of topic.


digitalfreaknyc said:

JawsTDS said:

My main question, after finally seeing the film twice is: did anyone catch a “Wilhelm scream” hidden in the sound mix?

Someone said it was when Jyn grabbed the troopers gun and he fell off the platform. I’ve seen it 3 times and never heard it.

On my second viewing I don’t think that’s the wilheim scream there now. As it did sound different. But it might have been snuck in when Donnie Yen kicks the Stormtrooper that is lying on the ground in the face to knock him out. You will have to listen out for it!


ROTS literally has him slaughtering children but a hallway of soldiers is a step too far?

You guys have some weird ideas. Anyway, let us not forget that the soldiers were the ones that fired first.

Vader’s objective is to prevent the Tantive from leaving before he can search it for the plans. Had those soldiers stood down and let him pass he probably would have let them live.

Forum Moderator

The plans…were LITERALLY in the hands of the Rebels. What the fuck don’t people understand about that? Also this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Vader be brutish. Why is it ok here for Vader to go all barbarian but not in some other film?


To whoever said the musical score was terrible (I’m on my phone atm and it’s a pita to look back and quote) I mostly agree, /except/ when the rebels can’t escape. They get blocked, the scene switches to Vader watching the space battle, and the music changes almost to an all-is-lost moment. It fits really well imo.

There was however a moment in rebel base where the music starts to build up like an epic speech is coming then, nothing. That took me out of the moment.

And to all those dissing Vader -

The entire castle scene was unnecessary. The choke pun actually wasn’t so bad to me, but the entire scene was like, why?

However I think the final lightsaber scene was phenomenal.

In A New Hope we hear talk of Vader being ruthless and is to be feared, but we only ever see him in a slow fight with his elderly mentor.
I’ve always tried to believe Vader’s kind of toying with his old master here, having a chat while this old man tries. Meanwhile it’s always been clear obi-wan never intended to win the fight, and even confuses Vader when he disappears.
The entire galaxy fears Vader in ANH and we’ve never really seen why. Sure the Jedis know what Anakin did, but not everyone else.

To me the final scene in RO gives him that unstoppable reputation.
Not to mention it underscores the urgency and importance of the mission as they frantically try to save the data and he tries to capture it.

– all that said –

No, I don’t want a Vader movie. We know enough about Vader. I don’t really want a Fett or Solo movie either, but I guess oh well on that last one.

Student of life.


I want a Vader movie to pretty much fill the void in my heart the PT left in terms of Vader. All I’ve ever wanted in life is to see Vader kill some Jedi.


Tobar said:

ROTS literally has him slaughtering children but a hallway of soldiers is a step too far?

Oh yeah I forgot about that ! But we don’t see him doing that, and he’s the main character of the movie, not a random dude killing random extras. But I don’t like it either. If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.


MalàStrana said:

Lord Haseo said:

All I’ve ever wanted in life is to see Vader kill some Jedi.

Watch ANH [SPOILER He kills Obi-Wan]

Besides him, ass. I meant I wanted to see him kill Jedi in the Great Jedi Purge


MalàStrana said:

Tobar said:

ROTS literally has him slaughtering children but a hallway of soldiers is a step too far?

Oh yeah I forgot about that ! But we don’t see him doing that, and he’s the main character of the movie, not a random dude killing random extras. But I don’t like it either. If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.

He also had to defend himself and if I recall the plans were in the other room by the time he Force Pulled the blasters away. Basically him trying to take the plans via the Force could have gotten him killed.


When did Lord Haseo jump the shark? I mean his views on the movies were always bad, but I remember him at least being pleasant about it. Now every post is **** this and you’re an ass that. Try being more civil and don’t take it so personal when people have different taste than you.

Edit: well, I guess the post about wanting to see Vader kill Jedi shines a light on things. The dark side is strong in this one.


please delete



MalàStrana said:

If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.

That’s assuming he knew one of the soldiers had the plans.

Forum Moderator

Alderaan said:

When did Lord Haseo jump the shark? I mean his views on the movies were always bad, but I remember him at least being pleasant about it. Now every post is **** this and you’re an ass that. Try being more civil and don’t take it so personal when people have different taste than you.

It’s not the opinion; it’s the rationale. They’re complaining for the sake of complaining and I think that warrants some type of scorn. Also isn’t it hypocritical to say that whilst saying things like “I mean his views on the movies were always bad” in the same post? That’s real civil buddy.


I called Mala an ass because of his sarcastic response that wasn’t warranted in the first place. But fuck me right?


Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:

Tobar said:

ROTS literally has him slaughtering children but a hallway of soldiers is a step too far?

Oh yeah I forgot about that ! But we don’t see him doing that, and he’s the main character of the movie, not a random dude killing random extras. But I don’t like it either. If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.

He also had to defend himself


  • Vader ! What have you done ?!?
  • It was self-defense, sir. I had to defend myself ! Oh… what have I done !!!

By the way Haseo: play nice and stop insulting people you don’t agree with, ok ?

I called Mala an ass because of his sarcastic response that wasn’t warranted in the first place. But fuck me right?

Oh dude, it was a joke, like the ones Frink and others are constantly making and you don’t seem to have anything to say against.


MalàStrana said:

Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:

Tobar said:

ROTS literally has him slaughtering children but a hallway of soldiers is a step too far?

Oh yeah I forgot about that ! But we don’t see him doing that, and he’s the main character of the movie, not a random dude killing random extras. But I don’t like it either. If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.

He also had to defend himself


  • Vader ! What have you done ?!?
  • It was self-defense, sir. I had to defend myself !

I was talking about his use of blast deflection but whatever.

By the way Haseo: play nice and stop insulting people you don’t agree with, ok ?

You already know why I called you an ass so let’s not even.


MalàStrana said:
Oh dude, it was a joke, like the ones Frink and others are constantly making and you don’t seem to have anything to say against.

I have gotten on him about that in regards to Metal and him seemingly being opposed to people expressing their sexuality so you’re wrong about that one bud.


Tobar said:

MalàStrana said:

If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.

That’s assuming he knew one of the soldiers had the plans.

Could have been done very differently. All the set up of the scene is problematic. Like Leia and the Tantive IV being there the entire space battle… in a ship that was collapsing ! Leia could have been far away while receiving the transmission from the “sinking” ship, not directly within the sinking ship ! Also it would have been more consistent with the opening of ANH.


Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:
Oh dude, it was a joke, like the ones Frink and others are constantly making and you don’t seem to have anything to say against.

I have gotten on him about that in regards to Metal and him seemingly being opposed to people expressing their sexuality so you’re wrong about that one bud.

Ok, fine, I don’t read everything around. There still is quite a difference between being slightly sarcastic and calling someone an “ass”, don’t you think ?


MalàStrana said:

Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:
Oh dude, it was a joke, like the ones Frink and others are constantly making and you don’t seem to have anything to say against.

I have gotten on him about that in regards to Metal and him seemingly being opposed to people expressing their sexuality so you’re wrong about that one bud.

Ok, fine, I don’t read everything around. There still is quite a difference between being slightly sarcastic and calling someone an “ass”, don’t you think ?

That’s a fair point and if I’m being honest there wasn’t that much scorn in that “ass”. It’s like when Archer’s mom calls him an ass most of the time but regardless of that I apologize. Now, I think it’d be better if we got back to talking about Star Wars.


MalàStrana said:

Tobar said:

MalàStrana said:

If he really wanted the plans he could have got them with the Force. The scene is totally dumb.

That’s assuming he knew one of the soldiers had the plans.

Could have been done very differently. All the set up of the scene is problematic. Like Leia and the Tantive IV being there the entire space battle… in a ship that was collapsing ! Leia could have been far away while receiving the transmission from the “sinking” ship, not directly within the sinking ship ! Also it would have been more consistent with the opening of ANH.

Now that I agree with. She should have been on her way to Tatooine when their ship received the plans.

Forum Moderator

Well this has been fun. Especially the part where I don’t like people expressing their sexuality, whatever that means.


darthrush said:

digitalfreaknyc said:

JawsTDS said:

My main question, after finally seeing the film twice is: did anyone catch a “Wilhelm scream” hidden in the sound mix?

Someone said it was when Jyn grabbed the troopers gun and he fell off the platform. I’ve seen it 3 times and never heard it.

The second time I saw it, I looked for it and BARELY noticed it.

That’s because you were using your eyes.


TV’s Frink said:

Well this has been fun. Especially the part where I don’t like people expressing their sexuality, whatever that means.

That’s old news. I was just bringing it up for the sake of the argument.


Alderaan said:

When did Lord Haseo jump the shark? I mean his views on the movies were always bad, but I remember him at least being pleasant about it. Now every post is **** this and you’re an ass that. Try being more civil and don’t take it so personal when people have different taste than you.

Edit: well, I guess the post about wanting to see Vader kill Jedi shines a light on things. The dark side is strong in this one.

The reason that Lord Haseo called malastrana an ass is because malastrana keeps talking out of his ass! Why is it that people that rates Rogue One a 0 out of 10 is pampered on this lousy ass forum?!