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Post #1021792

Lord Haseo
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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
20-Dec-2016, 5:28 PM

Mavimao said:

MalàStrana said:

  • “Star Wars fans only want one thing: Vader”
  • “I will not condone a course of pointless fan films that will lead us to more nostalgia madness !”

This just goes to show how diverse the Star Wars fandom is and how impossible it is to satisfy everybody.

I forget who said it, but if ANH was released today, it would be crucified by today’s culture.

They’d be calling Luke a Mary Sue, they’d say the plot holes and plot contrivances ruined and there would certainly be someone who would say that Leia being somewhat competent and having a stand up attitude was feminist propaganda. This is of course under the assumption that the PT came out first and was revered like the OT is in real life.