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Post #1021705

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StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread
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Date created
20-Dec-2016, 2:36 PM

Finnius said:

I have recently discovered that Mike has dumped the Legacy project and has given his full attention to a restoration of the classic TV show “Space: 1999”.
In an interview given last week via podcast, Mike had this to say about his sudden change of projects:

“Some months ago I had shown my son ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ for the first time. He really didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as ‘Star Wars’. About 3 weeks ago we were both watching an episode of ‘Mystery Science Theater’ and it was 2 episodes of “Space: 1999”. Well my son became completely entranced and excited about this movie and said to me “Dad, you should do that instead.” Suddenly a light went on in my head and I suddenly realized I had been wasting all my time and effort on ‘Legacy’ and had forgotten all about a show that was always clearly better in all respects. The acting, special effects and plot in “Space: 1999” were always leaps and bounds beyond anything Lucas has ever done, and I’m ashamed I had forgotten about that series. Guess I’m getting forgetful in my old age (laughter). So I’m here today to publicly let all the Legacy fans know that I am officially terminating the Legacy project. In the coming weeks I will be taking down the Legacy website and putting up a new one dedicated to this new project. My Vimeo site will likewise also undergo a complete overhaul as I intend to use that as a sort of video diary of my progress and work. I understand that a lot of you in the OT community and other “Star Wars” sites are really going to hate me now, but I have to follow my dream, my passion. I hope many of you will come to share my enthusiasm for this new project, and come to love it as I do.”

I had a few private chats with Mike and tried to get him to at LEAST ‘accidentally’ release Legacy but he told me that he had already deleted all his external hard drives containing Legacy in order to make room for “Lunar” (his codename for the new project). Apparently the show lasted for 2 seasons and he was going to need all the space he had…and more…for his endeavor. I told him that he would probably become vilified by the OT community once they learned of this…but he just laughed and told me there were ten times the number of fans for “Space: 1999” than there are for “Star Wars”.

Anyway…I did TRY to get a copy of Legacy to share with everyone here but it was a bust. Sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news…this is truly a HUGE blow to the Star Wars community…and me personally. I’m off to get stinking drunk now…

POTY 2016