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Post #1021472

Bobo Jameson
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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
20-Dec-2016, 12:30 AM

Mithrandir said:

Alderaan said:

Lord Haseo said:

Alderaan said:

Lord Haseo said:

These non Star Wars fans are the worst…


And you’re goddamn right I went there.

Do you really want to go somewhere else? We could also discuss how some people have incredibly poor taste in films, don’t understand anything about storytelling or filmmaking, and base their ratings of Star Wars movies on nothing more than how much **** can be crammed onto the screen that they’re familiar with from other films or novels for God knows what reason.

You don’t even understand the opening crawl of a film you claim to love. Fuck out of my face with that shit.

You’re asking for a ban man. What I do understand are people who are so vain, so into themselves, that they enjoy watching movies where their entire gratification comes from subconsciously going “ah I knew that was going to happen” and “I remember that in some other film I liked years ago” and “that was in _____ EU book I read!” and the like.

There was a great quote in one of the reviews I read that said we, as a society, used to go to movies to wonder about the future (and the OT certainly fits that bill). Now we seem to be in love with reliving the past.

I can’t help disagreeing strongly. There are tons of great movies and stories where you know what it is going to happen. Surprise is not an artistic value per se.

In fact, I would argue that there was a time when we went to the movies and theatres not giving a shit about knowing the ending, and still enjoyed it. And now all we got is just plain “oh, plot twist!”

Rogue One is a tragedy, because you know the unavoidable fate of the characters, yet you know they can do nothing about it.

Seen it three times by now, and I just keep liking it more and more. The Rebel Alliance feels like an actual military organisation. And we get to see that both Rebels and Empire have their internal political struggles, be it Tarkin/Krennic or Saw/Mon Mothma. It doesn’t feel monolithic anymore.

It’s a film that has the maturity the OT had, where characters understand each others with just eye contact and they don’t need to say everything, tho in the end yes, what ends up being key is the story and not the characters. I can’t see how that’s not the case in most of movies anyway.

And I don’t like the fact that this movie is getting so much trashing on the web, mainly because I really liked it and hope all the spinoffs take this approach and level, and not to have “character driven” spinoffs such as “origins of han solo”, “origin of boba fett”, “Vader”. And since I do not want Luke Skywalker or whoever they need to be re-cast, I won’t even dare to say a thing about CGI. Yes it was recognizable, but I’m enthusiastic on this tech, and hope they continue to pull it off.

Honestly cinema today, and actors are generally so crappy I’d rather have a CGI Alec Guinness or Peter Cushing all day.

Hell I couldn’t agree with you more. 😄