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Post #1020715

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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
18-Dec-2016, 11:30 AM

Bobo Jameson said:

You know everyone I’m already thinking about the Blu-ray to this movie. I sure do hope that it’s chock-full of deleted scenes and the alternate ending with a concept art gallery, featurettes on Vader and the special/creature effects. That would be awesome. There’s about 20 minutes worth of deleted scenes from The Force Awakens that we never really got to see which is a shame. I just hope that we get to see more on the Rogue One Blu-ray and we probably will being as that it’s the first standalone Star Wars film.

I doubt this will be the case given the poor offering on the Force Awakens Blu-Ray. I did not bother to buy it I contemplated getting the later repackaged version with the supposed Chewie ripping off the arms if Unkar Plutt or whatever his name is but it was cut short just like they did for escaping Maz Katana’s castle.

It’s the old here is part of a deleted scene but you will have to wait another ten years to see the rest of it.

Actually I decided I’m not bothered by that point and no sale. I don’t want to own it thanks… I will however pick up Rogue One on Blu-Ray… Or perhaps hold out for a deluxe version.

I think it would be beneficial to offer something over and above what was given for the force awakens as the advertising basically was marketing a completely different cut of the film still with only a few days prior to release.

If you are going to constantly advertise an alternative cut of a film you had bloody well put it on the Blu-ray 😃