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Post #1020670

Bobo Jameson
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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
18-Dec-2016, 5:22 AM

Tyrphanax said:

Much as I vehemently disagree with Mala’s often-repeated opinion on the post-Disney Star Wars films, I honestly don’t think he’s a troll asshole (he’s just wrong =P ). I just think he doesn’t like the movies. A shame, but definitely his right to do so.

It’s a shame you’ll probably be banned soon because you seem to be generally an okay guy, Bobo.

Well you have to admit that giving Rogue One a 0 out of 10 is just a little ridiculous. He goes on to say that Hacksaw Ridge is better. Two different movies, one is about fun with a little social commentary in it like how the good guys aren’t always saints without any blood on their hands and the other is a serious movie about a real-life war. His comparison of the two movies is laughable.