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Post #1020292

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The Original Trilogy restored from 35mm prints (a WIP)
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Date created
17-Dec-2016, 12:21 PM

Reels 2 and 4 have red splotches. Improved particularly when the falcon is being chased through the asteroids by the Tie fighters and between when Vader accepts Captain Neda’s,apology and when it cuts to Luke and Yoda. The fist Cloud City shots have dark blotches all across the screen. The red slotches return when Luke is leaving Dagobah. Reel 5 starts off with red splotches. The red splotches return when Chewy is in the cell and starts putting C-3PO tigether and continue. They don’t show up in the lighter scenes, but they do in the darker scenes. But overall, the colors in reel 5 are the best in the transfer. Perhaps a bit under saturated. Reel also has good colors, but all the reels except 5 are dark. Reel 6 also has some red splotches, but not as many.

I also observed that while reel 3 is still reddish, the overall colors and levels look better.

Throughout, the black levels change. Some scenes are darker and some are lighter. Most are consistent.