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Post #1018873

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The Original Trilogy restored from 35mm prints (a WIP)
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Date created
13-Dec-2016, 1:54 PM

I’m curious as to how orangish the hallways are in the scene where the Falcon and crew first arrive in Cloud City. Could someone post a screenshot from the UK or German print? I remember seeing a screenshot comparison in a thread here between all the different releases of Empire. The Bluray has the scene mostly neutrally graded if I recall (walls are white), but one of the Laserdisc screenshots had a very warm orangish tint to that first scene when they walk down the hallway and C-3PO gets distracted. The orangish hallways seemed natural to me because of how warm the skies of Cloud City/Bespin are. Then I saw a clip on YouTube of the TN1 35mm Renegade Grindhouse of Empire and saw it was pretty orangish, but I’ve heard people have some problems with the grading on that version. Definitely looks like some of the Hoth scenes are too neutral and should be more bluish as poita demonstrated earlier in the thread.
So basically I want to confirm if the warmish grading was indeed intentional by the color timer of the film and it’s just another Bluray grading messup.