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Post #1016157

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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)
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Date created
5-Dec-2016, 2:04 PM

Supes81 said:

Wow this looks amazing, great work. So out of curiosity, I keep hearing the Xenon lamps were warmer back then in tone. Does anyone know how much of a difference it would have made? I can’t download this unfortunately as I am not a member of the site hosting, but would be interested in knowing anyway.

I get it would not look like the over done Blu Ray (as evidenced here) though I assume audiences would have seen a slightly more golden hue than is shown on this print when projected (not tech savvy so just asking)

This transfer does have a very slight bump in warmth and reduction in green, which would make up for the warmer bulb factor. However I have yet to find any compelling evidence that prints were timed with that in mind or that the bulb made a significant difference.

The blu-ray isn’t just warmer, it has actual color changes which are baked in regardless of color temperature. Reducing saturation and selecting a cooler color temp helps, but doesn’t fix the color issues. Add to that overexposed shots and it’s pretty much impossible to fully correct the blu-ray.