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Post #1009486

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Project #4K77
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Date created
15-Nov-2016, 1:28 PM

Williarob said:

Due to er… new developments over on the Legacy Edition Site, I’ve decided I’m going to take this project underground for a while. Work will continue as normal, just not so publicly.

I’m not really sure if projects like this one will help or hinder Mike’s quest, but just in case it might do the latter, perhaps we should let this topic slide down the list and off the front page for a while…

Don’t know what new concern there is, but I 100% agree in general about this sort of stuff best being done on the down low… Doubly so we should avoid publicly dragging Mike’s name into anything that could hurt his efforts.

Still, what front page do you refer to? Have stuff about the project not be front and center on thestarwarstrilogy.com project website or cease traffic on this thread for a while and get it off the short list of active OT.com threads?