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Post #1002796

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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)
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Date created
23-Oct-2016, 6:30 AM

litemakr said:

I did see it and actually videotaped it at the time. ABC used the same master as the 1983 VHS and laserdisc version. That was the only version used for home video, cable or broadcast until the 1992 widescreen laserdisc, which was a new transfer. A pan and scan of that transfer was used for broadcast until the 2003 DVD.

Raiders video transfers:
1981 Making of special and Great Movie Stunts special (clips)
1983 VHS, Betamax and Laserdisc
1992 Laserdisc and VHS (widescreen and pan and scan)
2003 DVD and VHS (widescreen and pan and scan) HD version used for HD broadcasts
2011(?) 4K restoration (Japanese wowow broadcasts, 30th anniversary screenings)
2012 Blu-Ray

Thanks, I knew you’d have some interesting insights and information to share. 😃

Don’t forget the CED and VHD transfers:

Raiders CED1
Raiders CED2

Raiders VHD1
Raiders VHD1

The VHD back cover appears to contain an image from a deleted scene - the shot of Indy with Marion: perhaps taken from the discarded sequence where they kissed?