General Star Wars Discussion
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1,027 Topics
❕ An Index & Help Thread for General Star Wars Discussion ❕
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- 2
Lexa C replied
Ranking the Star Wars TV series
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- 32
Skybatman replied
General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread
- Replies
- 11,808
Superweapon VII replied
Any professional developers want to make Jedi Uncut?
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- 3
Mocata replied
The Random Star Wars Pics & GIFs Thread
- Replies
- 4,435
Hal 9000 replied
The Truths We Cling To: A Star Wars Survey
- Replies
- 9
Channel72 replied
Thoughts on this video? By Rick Worley
- Reply
- 1
oojason replied
What is your personal canon?
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- 254
Spartacus01 replied
Star Wars Headcanons
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- 276
G&G-Fan replied
Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?
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- 65
Jedi Matt replied
Unpopular Opinion Thread
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- 785
Superweapon VII replied
How would you handle a hard reboot of all nine episodes of Star Wars?
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- 26
DaftFader replied
For fun, I tried to rewrite the Star Wars sequels based on the EU and the old drafts of Lucas. Part 1: Characters
- Reply
- 1
genevievechap replied
Steren Cantina : Star Wars creation storytelling and thematic analysis
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- 9
Steren replied
Contacting ROJ comic artists for original prints
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- 8
Superweapon VII replied
Approaching Star Wars canon
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- 20
Spartacus01 replied
Do you think Sebastian Shaw was "meant" to be Anakin?
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- 3
Moviefan2k4 replied
Is there an Outline for Lucas' original ideas for the OT/The original Journal of the Whills?
- Reply
- 1
Channel72 replied
Pre-PT era lore | an OT & EU scrapbook resource | additional info & sources welcome
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- 46
Vladius replied
What if the prequels were made in the 80s?
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- 15
philraid replied
Ranking the Star Wars films
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- 4,407
daveybjones999 replied
Strong Female characters in the Star Wars universe
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- 70
Octorox replied
Star Wars Currency
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- 4
C3PX replied
George Lucas will receive Honorary Palme d’or at Cannes festival
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- 23
Mocata replied
Disney+ streaming platform : Star Wars content & various other info
- Replies
- 208
Keyan Farlander replied