Kinda late to introduce myself but my name is Alex and I’m 18. I go by G&G-Fan as I used to be a gigantic fan of Godzilla and Gamera when I was younger so I used that username on every site I registered on, especially YouTube, and since pretty much everyone calls me G&G unless they’re a close friend I’ve stuck with the name, even though I’m more into paleontology (especially dinosaurs and other Mesozoic animals), Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe now, though I still have an interest in kaiju (mostly Godzilla).
I came because I have a huge interest in fan-edits; I generally think the idea of reediting a movie to improve it is awesome. I first got into fan-editing when I started reediting some of the Heisei Godzilla movies for myself (though I never finished any of them, but it’s something I’m planning on doing in the future), I completed an edit combining the Japanes and American versions of the original Godzilla, and I came back because I wanted to make my own Star Wars fan-edits so I could shape the films however I wanted.
I had a mild interest in Star Wars when I was younger; it really wasn’t until TFA and Rogue One that I actually really got into it. I started watching the prequels and originals again as a result and really got into the lore. My favorites have always been Revenge of the Sith, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. A New Hope is great as well but it’s never been a huge favorite of mine. My favorite Star Wars character and favorite fictional character ever is Anakin/Vader (not only because he’s a badass but because I feel like I can relate to certain traits of him; I feel like I could do an entire psychological analysis of him), and I’m also a fan of Qui-Gon, Sidious, Luke, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Maul. I guess you could probably call me a “prequel fan” as I enjoy all three prequels, I generally defend them (Hayden Christensen did a good job and was perfect for the role of Anakin, don’t @ me), have an addiction to prequel memes, and get giddy whenever original trilogy stuff ties in with the prequels. Nevertheless, I do prefer the original trilogy between the two as it’s overall a better trilogy, though I consider Revenge of the Sith to be on the same tier as the OT movies. I despise the sequels but I think that Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars was overall a great thing, as we got The Mandalorian, Rogue One, and I generally prefer the Disney Canon when it comes to the stuff that came between the films. Disney’s portrayal of Vader especially I think is way better then Legends. My favorite Star Wars thing Disney has put out is actually the Vader comics, and I’d kill for a movie that’s just like them. I also have a more positive view of the special editions then most may have: while some changes are downright stupid and bad, I think they had all the right ideas, even if they were sometimes misguided and/or lacking in terms of execution. I do also support the original versions of the films being released in a presentable quality.
And on an unrelated note I also created and am leading the development of an upcoming dinosaur wildlife documentary called Dinosauria: Ascension, Domination, Downfall. It’s progressing slowly but surely, I’m very proud of the work me and my team has done so far and I’m excited for it to be finished, everyone involved is putting a lot of hard work into it. My goal with it is for it to be the most scientifically accurate and beautifully made dinosaur documentary since Walking with Dinosaurs.
Also, I actually came here because I have a question; how do you put a link in words? Like you did for every link in the first post (the link to the discord server, about and help pages, etc.). I’d like to change my signature so I don’t have the full link in there.