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Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within — Page 22


Hello, I’m Mario, (seriously, it is. LOL) I’m new to this site. I joined because for years I’ve been watching the special editions of Star Wars, and then I recently watched the original theatrical cuts and was amazed at how much better they were! Now I’m all into 35mm scans and preservation of original cuts.

Happy to be here!


40+ year old movie buff here. I just found this yesterday and man, am I blown away. Movies have been my safe place for my entire life and i’ve spent thousands of dollars buying everything you can think of looking for what best recaptures the experience of seeing a movie in a theater in the 80s and 90s. I can’t believe you guys have hit it. I am in love, and would love to learn and contribute.


Just discovered this community and I’m wondering why haven’t I found this place sooner! Fantastic work by everyone and excited to contribute! 😃


I’m a big cinema fan.
I discovered this place hunting for a proper alternative to official 4k LOTR release witch is so much messed up that i’m only using my theatrical BR release instead of my 4k extended BR one ^^’
Can’t way to get the links to watch them again ^^.

Thanks to all hard preservation workers here !


Hi everyone,
Im Rick and im totally obsessed with Star Wars.
But that obsession doesnt just include a specific era of star wars,
its the star wars content that either tries to tell a simple OR complex story in a galaxy far far away.

I am however a big enemy against stories that have no heart, talent or passion behind it and that is full of actual plotholes.
Like alot of the disney star wars stuff (not all but most disney stuff unfortunatly).
Im currently working on a very big “star wars watchalong timeline guide” in form of a classic txt file guide which is filled with a a lot of passion and care.

Im unsure if i will ever share it online once it is done. It is just a private thing for me and my rl friends for now.
I might be if people really care about that.

But aside from of that im not really a interesting person. At least i think.


Hello my namee is HiddenWheel and I have been a SW fan since the early 90s and I like to find something to enjoy in all Star Wars (OT, PT, ST, CW etc.) I am looking for a community that explores the canon in a deep kind of way.


Yo, I was introduced to this by a friend and mutual fan of the OT.


Hello, I have just joined having found the site following some searching,

I missed Star Wars at the cinema originally (being only 5 at the time) but saw both ESB and ROTJ at the cinema on their original release. Its safe to say these are 3 of my favourite films of all timne.

I have bought pretty much all of the re-releases over the years but its been some time since I saw the original releases - I have two of them on VHS. I can tolerate the changes made to Star Wars, in a way the change of the Emperor in ESB actually made sense to me given to tie it in with ROTJ. However its the changes to the latter film which appall me the most, particularly the new dance sequence in Jabba’s palace and of course adding Hayden as a hologram right at the end. To me, the hologram should always have been as the character died (they didn’t swap Sir Alec for Ewen thankfully).

Anyway, looking forward to having a look around the site.


Hi all!
I’ve been recently getting a hold of some 35mm scans and have been loving the experience of watching these films in this format. Hoping to grow the library and learn some more about the process!


New here. I have been a fan since 1997 and still have such fond memories of seeing the original trilogy for the first time!


New here. I saw all the original Star Wars films in the theater. I was 6 when the first one came out, and I can still recall going to it because it had such a huge influence on me at the time. We actually went again about a year later when my stepbrothers came to visit in the summer, and they had re-released the movie to theaters.

Anyways, I had recently bought the Return of the Lego Jedi Speeder Bike Chase diorama and decided to re-watch ROTJ while putting it together. It had been many, many years since I’ve watched ROTJ and I was certainly looking forward to it. The version I had was the “Special” edition, and the terrible CGI additions were NOT appreciated in the least! Hoping I can one day get a nice HD UNCUT version of this great trilogy. Near as I can tell, this place is the best chance I have at that coming true.


Hi, long time lurker.
I’m grateful that we have very talented people that can fix timeless art and bring it to its original form, especially now in the era of AI upscaling.



I’ve been a big fan of Star Wars ever since I got introduced to it during my childhood.

I have know about this forum for quite a while but I haven’t posted before now. It is awesome to see that there is a place where so many fans of Star Wars get to talk about many different topics regarding the movies, but also different movies.

My interest nowadays is mostly in the preservation of cinematic history/culture, so seeing the love on here for theatrical releases and acquiring prints, scanning them and preserving these movies warms my heart.

Thank you guys for letting me be a part of this.



Hi, I am a longtime lurker of this forum and thought I’d join. I don’t have a whole lot to say about my opinions on the films (for the most part, I prefer the official cuts of them all) BUT I do regardless have an interest in preservation of the theatrical versions as well as alternate edits of them. I’m here because I love Star Wars in all its forms. Nice to meet you all!



I’m new here and just wanted to introduce myself. I got here through other films and wasn’t aware of the efforts for an unaltered SW trilogy. I have been put off by the SW franchise since the new Lucas films and subsequent Disney films. So it was interesting to see others who seem to have similar views. I was surprised to see Andor highly ranked up there with the original films. I don’t know anything about it so I’ll have to look into it.


Hello All,

I am glad to be a part of this site.


Hi - New here
Been a big Star Wars fan since the 1980s, and love the work you guys have been doing over the years ( Been watching from outside the forum ) and thought it was time to join and be a part of it all.


Hello! 50 yo IT/Sci-Fi Geek here. I host a weekly movie night with some friends, and the subject of the original trilogy has been coming up a lot lately. Sooooo I promised that I’d look into sources for us to watch the original trilogy on one of these evenings.

Currently, I’m trying to download “bits of RARs” to reassemble as that seems to be the easiest way to get me there. I’ve bought many issues of the films over the years, but sadly my DVD/BR collecting started after the special editions, so I’ve never owned the original versions. I’ve been a big fan of things like The Phantom Edit and Topher Grace’s re-cutting of the prequels to a single “film.” Editing in general has been an interest of mine, though generally if I edit something, it’s more like taking a hatchet to scenes I don’t like (I removed the CG alien “Blarp” character from my “Lost in Space” movie DVD, and haven’t missed the character once).


Hey all! I just found this community and I’m super impressed with all the hard work and passion there is. I’m having a lot of fun reading through the different film versions (both preservation and fan edits). Looking forward to watching!


Hi there! I’m here because my boyfriend has literally every version of Starwars that ever exists, including the black box ones from back in the day. He loves the “original” movies and he’s super upset because his thumbdrive with the original version is no longer working and even though he has all these DVDs and even some old records he wants the original lol. And since he is getting deployed soon, I want to find them and give them to him as a present.


Hello there. I joined recently and followed a trail of pages back to here, which seems to be the proper starting place. The Star Wars movies have always been my favorites, but, as I have gotten older, the flaws have become increasingly apparent to me, to the point that I cannot even endure what was once a major source of enjoyment to me. The discovery of fan edits has me really excited, and that is what I am here for. I will probably not be involved in discussions etc. but hope to contribute some reviews at least, if I ever have time to watch and then write. I offer my appreciation and gratitude to editors everywhere and to the administrators of this site!


Just stumbled upon this site. Incredibly glad I did!


Hey, all. I signed up yesterday and have already made a few posts, but I forgot to do the customary intro first. So with that in mind, here goes (takes deep breath)…

My name is Josh, and I’m a 44-year-old Texan currently living in Montgomery, which is about halfway between Dallas and Houston. As my handle implies, I’m a film fanatic in the broader sense, though I haven’t watched a lot of recent fare because so much of Hollywood’s stuff has become PC-infested trash these days. I’m a steadfast Christian and conservative, but I do my best not to push any of it down people’s throats. I’m also into Christian apologetics, which involves using the mind to defend the faith; as the saying goes, “Christians don’t get points for being stupid.”

Apart from that, I like using Photoshop quite a bit, and I sometimes play emulated retro video games. Some of my favorite movies include the “Back to the Future” trilogy, the first three “Matrix” entries, the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general, and a few others. But I really do love the original movie of “The Crow”, with Brandon Lee - I’ve seen it probably 100 times or more in almost 30 years, and have met the comic’s creator James O’Barr a number of times (he’s not as depressed as some might expect).

Some TV shows I really enjoy include “Smallville”, “Cheers”, “Person of Interest”, and the original versions of both “Knight Rider” and “Quantum Leap”. I actually was fortunate enough to meet Dean Stockwell shortly before he passed away; he was also courteous, though somewhat tired due to his age.

Regarding music, I mainly grew up on the Contemporary Christian genre, or “CCM” for short. So a few of my most loved artists from that style are Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Petra, and Skillet. When it comes to other musicians (I despise the term “secular”), I’m a big Michael Jackson fan, while Rascal Flatts and the Backstreet Boys remain near the top of my list (I’ve never bought into the viewpoint which says any man who likes a boy band has to be gay). I also love movie scores, with some of my favorite composers being Alan Silvestri, James Horner, and Graeme Revell.

I guess that’s enough details about me for now. If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask.


Hi there!,

So, Im an old fan who saw the original back in '77 with my mum when i was 9. I remember watching the trailer and going nuts that we just had to go watch it lol.

Not long after me and dad made me a stormtrooper outfit for the school summer fete fancy dress competition - I didnt win, a sheet with eyeholes being a ‘cow’ won.

The movies really got me into wanting to make things and I made and scuplted lots of little creatures back then, also inspired by Ray Harryhausen. Good times.

One things that has bugged me for decades is not having an authenctic, higher quality non-SE versions of the movies.
How wonderful to see that there are other preservations going on as well!

Maybe one day I can get involved and help with a restoration, limited though it may be due suffering ME/CFS but never say never.
