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Why the OT will live on, while the PT fades away.
In my opinion...

The last really TRULY great Star Wars movie was Return of the Jedi. It marked the end of the greatest trilogy of all-time, that will age beautifully and stand the test of time. "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back", and "Return of the Jedi" were all masterpieces and classic, groundbreaking films filled with memorable characters, surprising plot twists, and satisfying climaxes and endings to all three. I could watch all three randomly and not get bored with any of them. They are the three greatest and most entertaining movies of all-time.

Since 1983, Lucas has been worshipped as a god by any Star Wars geek, nerd, or any average person. Even a person not interested in Star Wars at least appreciated and heard of the great worlds and characters Lucas created. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, C3PO, R2D2, Yoda, Chewbacca, Grand Moff Tarkin, Boba Fett, Emperor Palpatine, Jabba the Hutt and more.

Lucas also had a part in another groundbreaking series, Indiana Jones. It seemed like anything Lucas touched turned golden and groundbreaking, and was an instant money-magnet.

The years passed, and many Star Wars Expanded Universe comics and books came out and added some background to the three beloved Star Wars films.

In 1997, George Lucas released the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Editions. Added scenes, added effects, and cleaned-up effects were the majority of the alterations made to the movies. However, all three movies had some changes that offended some major fans.

In ANH, there was Greedo Shooting First and a new Jabba the Hutt scene, in ESB, altering Vader's "Bring my shuttle" line and adding new footage and Luke's scream as he fell down the shaft, a new Wampa scene, in ROTJ, Jedi Rocks, Sarlacc change, new music to the ending, and, later in 2004, Hayden Christensen replacing Sebastian Shaw.

Many believe those listed changes hurt the films rather than improve them. To many, for the 2004 DVD release, it seemed like George Lucas was changing the SUPERIOR trilogy to fit with the INFERIOR trilogy, which rubbed many in the wrong way. Many despise the prequels, and yet Lucas made changes to help mesh the two trilogies together (one of which many could care less about).

Now, onto the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Many (including me) were grandly disappointed with Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and equally disappointed with Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Many arguments against them include bad acting, script and dialogue, too much "fake" CGI effects, and lack of memorable characters. However, most believe Lucas FINALLY got it right with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. It finally delivered what the PT promised for.

Many believed George Lucas sold-out by making the Prequels and Special Editions just for the almighty buck. He lost the touch he once had.

Now for my PERSONAL OPINION. Yes, I believe George Lucas made the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy and Special Editions for money. I think the OT by itself was perfect. It didn't NEED any Special Editions, Prequels or backstory. It stood on its pinnacle by itself, perfectly. It will continue to touch the hearts of millions for many generations to come, while the PT fades away.

The Prequel Trilogy, however, is a definite passing fad. It is simply leeching off the Original Trilogy like a trail of goldfish dung. I believe George Lucas made them for money alone, and did not even need to be told.
