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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

jjmorfeo said:

yoda-sama said:

jjmorfeo said:

Wazzles said:

I think he used an auto translator.

yes, I am from Spain , and not English

I’m just poking fun at the results of the translation, please understand that despite my joking I do respect you for putting in the effort to try and communicate in a language you’re not comfortable with.
A sincere greeting.

Good evening, thank you very much with all my heart to the people who sent me invitations, just tell Yoda - sama, I do not take bad you comentastes me , you have to have humor in this life.
many thanks to all .
a greeting

Hola Jesús. Bienvenido al foro. Yo también soy de España. Si necesitas alguna ayuda puedes escribirme e intentaré ayudarte en lo que pueda. Intenta no poner en el Google Translate “un saludo” para despedirte, porque te lo traduce como “a greeting”, que hace bastante gracia en inglés.
¡Un saludo!

In english: I’m just telling him that I’m from Spain too, and that he should avoid the common spanish expression “Un saludo”, as Google translates it literally as “A greeting”, which is hilarious 😃

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Thank you Williarob for your wonderful work.

As you are fixing some issues with the release, it might be interesting to fix a significant shift to blue in the color of the black bars during the scene starting at 00:31.

This is one frame before the scene (Black Bars with RGB=(0,0,0) ):


Black Bars with RGB=(0,0,13) :


Seems like a color grading applied to the entire frame, including the black bars.

Idea: Preserving the original trilogy 2 - Drafting a manifesto

Jeffgale26 said:

My only other addition to this will be that my software will be.
Infognition suoer resolution
I want to be able to use open source software or affordable software.
I’ll post a pdf with my example video when the work if complete.
But my objective is this.
To see if more resolution can be obtained from the bluray, silverscreen edition and any other random sources.
To use software available to any consumer.
To hopefully prove my thoughts.
To create a higher quality version of the film for the purposes of archival.

Negative1, is that you?

Team Negative1

Stinky-Dinkins said:

Williarob said:
I think that the Tech scan will be forever tainted by what happened here, and therefore I don’t think we should continue to use it. Instead, we shall try and make a new scan of the same print that Mike cannot lay any claims to and take it from there.

To not use a beautiful Tech scan someone paid 30k dollars for and then gave you permission to use is fucking insane. To not use the one Mike funded himself makes perfect sense and -1 absolutely shouldn’t have access to it if Mike doesn’t want him to, but to not use the one someone else paid for and allowed you to use is such a shame. What a loss for the community.


Team Negative1

Ok. So I’m gonna time travel to 2004 to tell to my 2004 me, that in 2016 we are nearly going to be able to get a release of a Star Wars Technicolor print, but that in the middle of the process the project will be closed because of a “cold war” between a team named Negative One, seeking for team recognition, and a guy named Mike Verta, seeking an official release approved by Fox/Lucasfilm.

Brilliant, guys. Just brilliant.

Help: looking for... Preservations of the Original Star Wars Trilogy?

MrPib said:

towne32 said:

Darth Lucas said:

That’s an excellent idea. Name it something catchy like "classictrilogy.com" or something like that.

Maybe original3starwarses.com?

Nah, I got one. SHIT! GeorgeLucasRapedMyChildhood.com is already taken!

Maybe he could find what he’s looking for, using this:


Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

team_negative1 said:

I think you are making this way too confusing.

  1. Base of the project is from Technicolor
  2. Missing frames and scenes will be from an Eastman Kodak print (Crawl, etc)
  3. The LPP was only used for cleanup on frames that still had damage even after the automated process, we have not decided on using it for complete replacement just yet

The project is too early in its stages, to discuss concrete details about what
exactly will be done.

The examples and previews are from tests that we have done, that are still undergoing
changes. Hence, why we are not committing to a concrete process.

This thread is a placeholder for upcoming information, and people to comment on.

The most up to date information, samples, and discussions can be found here:


We will also be updating the facebook link, and youtube channel when we can.

Team Negative1

Thank you for the clarification. That makes a lot of sense now. 😃

Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

Memorex said:

team_negative1 said:

The techs are all missing frames, and are cropped more than the other prints.
They also have more damage on them.

Therefore we will be using replacements where we can.

Team Negative1

Somehow oversaw this bit of info from the LPP thread:

“The LPP is only there to fill in the dirt and replace the missing frames. This project is all about the Technicolor version of Star Wars. It’s sharper, and the colors are much nicer than the LPP, but it’s also has a lot more damage. As a bonus, using the techniques demonstrated here, we may also end up with a version of the LPP color timed to match the tech 😃”

But still, guys: What’s up with the Kodak reels? Further dirt mapping and/or frame replacements?

Exactly. If this is a Technicolor project, with the LPP used to fill the dirt gaps, what is the Eastman/Kodak print for?

And in this topic, TN1 said that “THERE ARE SEVERAL SCENES IN THE RECENTLY RELEASED STAR WARS 35MM LPP”, which I assume are from this project, which “is all about the Technicolor version of Star Wars”, but in the Silver Screen FAQ, TN1 says that the replacement shots where from Eastman stock:

“The intro and crawl were from a faded English Eastman Kodak print. (Does not have Episode 4 in it)
The Han shoots first scene was sourced from a faded Eastman Kodak print.
There are also several replacement shots throughout the movie from faded Eastman Kodak prints.”

Guys, I really think you should explain where the different film stock (LPP, Eastman, Technicolor) is going to be used in this project 😃, because I’m really confused with this.


Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

First of all, thank you so much for the incredible work in all your projects.
Internet trolls aside, I think nearly everyone here is grateful to you for releasing such an incredible material, which will be probably the definitive versions of these movies.

I have some questions for this particular project, as I’m a bit confused right now.

When this project was announced in the other thread, I thought this would be a color-corrected Eastman print, using an IB Technicolor print as a color reference, as you wouldn’t have a complete IB Tech scan.

In this thread’s announcement you quote “Various Technicolor references”, not scans or prints.

Then I read this at thestarwarstrilogy.com (The youtube “cleaning” clip uses a Technicolor print scan):

“Long story short, we ended up with more than one Technicolor print of Star Wars”

And today, I’ve read that the amazing Reel 4 preview is actual Technicolor footage, which is why it’s just perfect.

So, why is this project an “Eastman vs Technicolor”, if you have an actual Technicolor print scan?

I’m not very familiar with film stock, so, are you using the Eastman print because it has more detail than the IB Tech one, and the best combination is the image from one and the color from the other?

Or is it simply because you don’t have permission from the IB Tech owners to release it?

Or (and the last question 😃 ), is this actually called “vs” because you’re using the Eastman scan as a dirt-removal technique to be used in the IB Tech scan, just as the LPP in the “Cleaning Star Wars” sample clip?

Sorry for so many questions, and again, thank you so much for your incredible work.

Info & Help: looking for... The original Latin American Spanish dubbings


none said:

This Spanish Print audio does not match the audio from the above mentioned TWC073 80s VHS 'La Guerra de las Galaxias'.  There is the identified Mono mix difference in the sirens, but the dialog is different.

Project Threepio v4 has:

00:02:47,834 --> 00:02:49,634
¿Has oído eso?

00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:53,101
Han alcanzado al reactor principal.
Nos van a destruir seguro.

00:02:53,201 --> 00:02:55,001
¡Qué locura!

Spanish Print Mono sounds like:

¿Has oído eso?

Destruir reactor principal.

Sindolta sero mastofin  (¿sounds like? the words are not being translated by online translators, and I don't know any spanish And I don't know any spanish.)

¡Esto es una locura!

TWC073 80s VHS 'La Guerra de las Galaxias' sounds like:

¿Has oído eso?

Han alcanzado al reactor principal.

Nos van a destruir.

¡Esto es una locura!

Do we have an answer for if the Spanish (country) is different then the Latin American Spanish versions?  and these three don't match an 80s VHS Catalan audio.  (this Catalan sounds like they got a woman for 3po)


The TWC073 80s VHS is the European Spanish / Castillian dub version (this is the one I heard when I was little) but the Spanish Mono Print appears to be the missing Latin American Original dub (it is in a Latin American accent, probably from Mexico?).