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Did any of you walk out of the theatre for any of the Star Wars prequels?

I was so pumped for Phantom Menace I don't think I realized how weak it was until after it was over.  For AOTC, I knew going in it wasn't going to be great, but I was still enough of a SW fan I wanted to see how the story went.. plus I was hoping maybe George would have learned from Phantom.  By the time ROTC showed up, I went in expecting it to be largely crap, but still needing to see how it ended.

If only I could go back in time and stop myself.  

.....hmm, maybe I'll tell myself not to see the Matrix sequels while I'm at it.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Tobar said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

kremmit said:

Handman said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

^Reading this in Leonard Nimoy's voice is all sorts of funny.

 I'm pleased to hear that my comments have caused some form of enjoyment.  

Spock would be neither pleased nor displeased.

Yes, he would. He'd just conceal it*.

*Unless he's experiencing pon farr, of course. 


Spock: I'm happy the affair is over. A most annoying emotional episode.

McCoy: Smack right in the old heart. Oh, I'm sorry. [pointing to his side] In your case, it would be about here.

Spock: The fact that my internal arrangement differs from yours, Doctor, pleases me no end.

Damn stupid writers, losing my future internet nerd wars for me.