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Getting My Little Brother into Star Wars

LexX said:

kingpickle2099 said:

I’m going out and trying to find the unaltered copies of the original trilogy so we can watch it while celebrating our birthdays in March (I was born 3/26/98, he was born 3/29/06).

I suppose I can try and find the download link to Star Wars IV Revisited, But I need to find a legitimate download.

Please show him the original, that is Silver Screen Edition 1.6, not revisited. I hope darthrush will invite you to the right place to get it.

I’ll definitely try to get that version, if I can. I’ll have to wait a bit till I’ve got some money, I just got a job at CCP Comics as an artist, hopefully I’ll be making some good money here soon.

Getting My Little Brother into Star Wars

Hi, I’m Dylan. I recently took my 10 year brother to see Rouge One, at the end of the film he saw Princess Leia, he knew who she was and his jaw dropped, because he knew Carrie Fisher (Who was still alive at the time) was an elderly woman, suddenly there she was, young and in her classic white potato sack dress. I told him that this is where the original film begins, that utterly blew his mind.

We talked for a while, I told him how much it would mean to me if he could watch the original trilogy (and Episode 7) and why these films are so great.

On New Years Eve, he told the family his resolution, “I want to watch the Star Wars films with Dylan.” That moment meant so much to me, I honestly wanted to cry.

We don’t always get along, especially since he has severe ADHD and I have a mild form of Aspergers, they don’t mix well. Trust me, I’m not perfect, but I want to do everything I can to make Star Wars special.

I’m going out and trying to find the unaltered copies of the original trilogy so we can watch it while celebrating our birthdays in March (I was born 3/26/98, he was born 3/29/06).

I suppose I can try and find the download link to Star Wars IV Revisited, But I need to find a legitimate download.

Anyway, maybe I’ll give updates on how he’s doing with Star Wars. That is all for now, I can’t wait to talk to the community.

May the Force be with you.