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May 18, 1999, how did you feel before Episode I?

I remember being very excited for Episode I.  My older brothers and I grew up on Star Wars and, when we were younger, had many of the toys and would use them to act out our favorite scenes from the films (or create our own).  Being born in 1978, I never got to see the original version of the first film on the big screen, and I don't remember seeing ESB (although my parents tell me they took me to a screening of the film.)  I do, however, have great memories of seeing Return of the Jedi on the big screen, but even then, I was only 5 and my memory doesn't serve me as well as it could if I was even a few years older.  So aside from this experience, this is the first time I was getting to see a new Star Wars film on the big screen.

The commercials and trailers were amazing and I remember feeling that the film would be great after seeing them (Although seeing Darth Maul's dual sided lightsaber was disappointing as I felt that would have been a cool reveal in the film itself.)

As far as the hype, though, I loved it.  I lived in it.  I was totally excited and wanted to read every magazine article I could find, look at every picture, watch every news report.  Again, this was the first new Star Wars I was going to REALLY experience in my life time.  I stopped myself short of reading spoilers as I did want to go into the film fresh.  The images in magazines and the trailers were teaser enough to get me there and I wanted to experience the story by watching it on the big screen.

My brothers and I saw it on opening day at an evening showing (as we all had to work and couldn't go at midnight).  Everyone in the theater cheered as loudly as they could when the Star Wars logo retreated into the stars at the beginning of the movie.  Everyone was hyped....everyone was excited.......and I can't tell the rest of the story as you have asked for no bashing in this thread........So, I will leave it at that.

Thrawn or Xizor

Xizor was a waste of a character, really.  It's been a while since I read "Shadows.." but from what I remember, Xizor's main ambition was to make Vader look like a fool so that he could be the Emperor's second in command.  Why go to all that effort to be someone's lackey?  Why not have ambitions to overthrow the Emperor?  It was entertaining enough to get me through the book, but was completely illogical.  Thrawn may have been annoying at times and the Ysalmiri (sp?) were a stretch for me, but at least Thrawn was a badass.  Not a waste like Xizor.

POLL: Which version of the OT do you own?
Until I saw a few of these posts, I thought I was the crazy fan who had everything. Was I ever wrong! Well, just to join the fun...

Pan and Scan Faces VHS Set
Special Widescreen Editon Laserdiscs of all 3 films
Definitive Collection Laserdiscs
Faces Laserdiscs of all 3 films
1997 SE Boxed Set Laserdiscs
2004 SE DVD Boxed Set
2006 GOUT/SE DVD's of all 3 films

OCPMovie's Classic Editions of all 3 films

With all of these sets, though, I still don't think I have the definitive version of the OT. I am probably going to try and get a hold of the Japanese Special Collection LD's too just to have yet another perspective, but am unsure. I'm also anxiously awaiting the X0 project. The little bit I have seen of that so far is enough to make my mouth water.
I Want to Buy The Star Wars Soundtracks....Please Help
I agree that the 1993 set would be the way to go to get all of the original content, but if your dilemma is between which SE version to get, the 1997 set is the way to go. Like mentioned before, the liner notes are actually awesome, and in my opinion, the all around packaging is superior. The holographic CD's are quite cool. I have heard both the 2004 and the 1997 version, and I personally don't think there is much difference sound wise. Hope this helps!
September Release BestBuy Canada Exclusive...
This set is actually cheaper in Canada. It's currently set at $84.99 (Canadian). With the current rate of exchange being 1.10632 Canadian Dollars for every US Dollar, it comes out to about $76.82 (US). Compare that to the $89.99 (US) for the version available in the States. If anyone is actually interested in this it might be beneficial to buy it from Best Buy.ca

Personally, if there isn't anything in the tin besides the movies, then, as nice as that tin looks, I'm gonna' have to pass. But I figured I would put this info out there in case anyone was interested.
Are you gonna buy 'em?
I have the definitive collection laserdiscs which have some flaws in them but are quite watchable (white specs popping up all over the screen when watching the films) and I also have the "Faces" laserdiscs, which are in top notch sahpe and look terrific on my old circa 1995 TV. I almost don't see a need to buy these DVD's. But with that said, I am a sucker and will most likely pre-order the set of them. I just feel like I need to do this if I am ever going to see a quality release of the films released on some higher end video standard (whatever that may be when and if they are ever remastered correctly and released some day in the future.) We fans really need to support this realease. As mediocre (or below mediocre) as it may be....if we ever want to see a better copy in the future, we have to show that not only are we talking up the demand, we are putting our money where our mouths are and actually showing Luca$ that these films matter, in a way that would matter to him.
I actually prefer the DVDs and can't wait for more edits, seriously.
I can kinda see where marioxb is coming from here, and in a lot of ways, I agree with what he has to say. I like the new versions of the films and am highly entertained by them, even with the changes. But to a lot of people, the changes (whether they feel they are good, or bad) would not matter in the least if we all had a choice as to which version we wanted to watch through official means. Sure, there are people here who are disgusted by the changes and by the prequels (I am not one of these people), but I think for the most part, all we really care about is being able to have a choice in the matter. We chose to cling to Star Wars when it was originally released in the first place by giving our hard-earned money to see it and to buying the toys and whatnot....and we are pretty much all willing to go wherever Lucas goes with his changes by buying the newest versions when they are released....But the money we have put out on Star Wars over all these years is money which has allowed Lucas to make these changes. Why is it so much to ask for the original films...the way we remember them?
Classic Edition: Return of the Jedi by Ocpmovie (Released)
Hi Guys!

I am VERY new here and have been getting excited about the prospects of eventually doing my own fan edit, but in the meantime, I have downloaded Star Wars Classic Edition from myspleen, and I am just absolutely blown away! It's exactly as if Lucas remastered the ORIGINAL film! Thanks Ocpmovie! You are performing a greatly appreciated service to all of us who want DVD quality versions of our beloved Original films!

Since I am new, I don't have anything to trade and wouldn't want to assume that I would be able to get in on getting either this release or Empire, but would love to be able toget in on this. I'll do anything that is necessary (short of actually paying someone...)

If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it and would be in your debt! THANKS EVERYONE! and thanks OCP!