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I Have Always Fantasized About Wearing Leia's Bikini

Mocata said:

Plenty of people do wear it.


Whoa! I didn’t even think of checking online to see if there’s a costume. Cool! I should try to find it! If I did, that outfit would be the only thing I would ever wear just because it’s so pretty, except in public of course.

I Have Always Fantasized About Wearing Leia's Bikini

I first saw Return of the Jedi when I was 12 years old. We had it on DVD so I didn’t watch it back in the 1980s when it first came out. I wasn’t born yet.
Anyway, after having watched A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, I really admired Princess Leia a lot as a character. Watching her stand up to Darth Vader and Tarkin in the first the first film was awesome and I thought she was bad ass!
All of a sudden, Return of the Jedi came out and suddenly we see Princess Leia like we’ve never seen her before…nearly naked. This is the scene when Jabba the Hutt took her prisoner and made her wear that gold metal bikini.
Being a 12 year old girl, my jaw dropped and my sympathy for Leia quickly came to the surface. Though she was a fictional character, I instantly felt the sense of humiliation and embarrassment that she felt by putting myself in her shoes. I couldn’t imagine being forced to lie on a throne in front of everyone nearly naked while everyone else in the palace is fully-clothed, all eyes completely on me, and even worse, being chained up!
However, for some reason, after I saw the bikini, I liked it. I felt it was extremely pretty and ever since I saw the movie, I have fantasized about me wearing it. I like every part of it except the stupid boots which are the only part that make no sense. I don’t know if it’s the intricate wire design on the bra or if it’s the fancy carving on the belt or if it is the flowing silk skirts hanging from the belt, or even the arm and wrist bracelets. Whatever it is, I loved the bikini. Even the collar and chain add to the ensemble. I am not the type that has bondage fantasies, but for some reason, I feel the outfit isn’t complete without the collar and chain. So I would even wear that part of it, just as long as my Master isn’t Jabba…yuck!
Anyway, if I felt sympathy for Leia, and I found her situation to be embarrassing, is it weird that I still like the outfit? Is it weird that I want to wear it? Do other girls feel this way? I would love to hear others’ opinions.