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Info: Star Trek HD Caps

I have decided to post the file names for all of the SkyHD caps. I have read through the rules and I don’t think I am breaking any rules in doing so. If I am, moderators please remove.

These were posted to Usenet about 7 years ago but might still be available.

pw: vygar

pw: khaaan

pw: spock

c-st4r (This one was posted more recently and is probably still available. It has no password.)

pw: crap

gb.obyqyl.tb.jvgubhg.QAE.6 (this one is slowed down and remuxed to dvd audio)
pw: khitomer




Info: Star Trek HD Caps

TServo2049 said:

dlbsyst sent me encrypted filenames and passwords for the Sky rips last year. They were accessible through NZBclub.com until recently, when they had a hard drive crash. They are currently rebuilding their huge 2800-plus-day database, I’m looking up the encrypted filenames and they currently don’t show up. No idea if they’ll ever come back.

But I do have the TS files for 1-4 and 6 (I do not like 5 so I never downloaded it, now I kwish I had). I could upload them on one of my cloud drives on one of the storage sites I’m signed up for, but I don’t think they’d all fit at once.

TServo2049 these were posted to Usenet over 7 years ago but appear to still be available if your provider has them in retention. Mine seems too. I use Usenet Server (UNS). I can post the file names if that is allowed. Otherwise send me a PM and I can set you up for the ones you don’t have. Skycaps for Generations, First Contact and Insurrection are available also. NZBClub is a no go but you can find them on NZBKing.com

Info: Our projects released thread

faust1103 said:

Hi every1,

Last weekend thanks to Dark Jedi I had the pleasure of testing the full release version Team Blu’s “The Warriors” theatrical cut.

To make things short: If you like like “The Warriors” this is the BluRay to get. The movie has 5.1 DD sound (no lossless though) and the picture is excellent and clean (for a 1979 movie)
The xtras are extensive. Lobby cards, press kit, trailer, making of, soundtrack. You could spend ours checking this stuff out.

Chapter menu and French audio track is also included.

Next to “Fright Night 2” this is my favorite Team Blu disc so far.

Get it as soon as it is released. It is most certainly worth it.

Highest possible recommendation.

I have to agree with faust1103. This is a very nice transfer of “The Warriors” Theatrical cut. I’m not sure what the source for this transfer was but it looks pretty much as good as retail. Their is a fine layer of grain and it is beautifully resolved. Also the color, contrast and black level is spot on. If you are a fan of this movie, I highly recommend you grab it as soon as it becomes available.

Help: looking for... 'Star Trek - The Cage' - narrated by Patrick Stewart, & more

pittrek said:

Wow, I completely forgot I was a member 10 years ago :-) I have a feeling that I have my copy from you, Silverwook, correct? If so, I have a feeling it starts during Roddenberry's interview.

dlbsyst - any chance that you share your recording?

 Yes but I'm not willing to post to the organ site. I would be willing to share it with someone here directly if that person is able to post to the organ site. This person also needs a fast download speed of at least 20 mbps. If someone is willing pm me for details.

Help: looking for... 'Star Trek - The Cage' - narrated by Patrick Stewart, & more

SilverWook said:

Would be nice to have a more complete version than my old recording out there. Mine was missing a bit at the beginning. :)

Are the commercial breaks intact?

 Hi SilverWook. Yes, all of the commercials are intact as are the end credits. Where does your recording start. Mine starts with Patrick Stewart which is the actual start of the program. I was looking at a YouTube video and it shows an intro talking about the special before it starts. My recording doesn't include that part.

Help: looking for... 'Star Trek - The Cage' - narrated by Patrick Stewart, & more

tbird97 said:

I'm fairly certain my dad has a vhs tape sitting around with the full tv special.  If so, it was recorded over the air or cable tv onto an extended vhs tape (I'm sure it wasn't set to the 2 hour standard play).
If this is something you are interested in, send me a PM.

 I have this special in my collection of old VHS recordings. It was recorded in SP mode and is of pretty good quality. It wasn't, however recorded by me because back in 1987-88 I was only 22-23 years old and didn't even own a VCR. At this point I'm not even clear who did record this for me. Might have been my older sister. I do remember asking someone to record it for me though. Anyway, I have begun transferring all of my old tapes to digital. I have purchased a JVC S-VHS VCR for playback and a Hauppauge Colossus capture card to capture the recording. Also, I am upscaling the image to 1080i using a DVDO Edge video Processor. I have then taken the resulting .TS file with AAC 2 channel audio and placed it into a .M2TS container. Then I have converted the AAC audio to AC3 and made a Blu-ray. I am watching the Blu-ray now on my Sony player and while not perfect, I am very pleased with the results. My goal was to capture the tape 1:1 with the best possible quality. Also I have not attempted any processing or cutting of the image or sound with the exception of upscaling the image to 1080i and converting the AAC to AC3 (AAC is not compatible with Blu-ray).

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

dlbsyst said:

dark_jedi the Friday The 13th Blu-ray has the classic Paramount Intro.

Thanks again for this, now I have the correct intro/outro to do this up right, this Theatrical HD file for The Warriors looks really, really good, I think we can really do this baby up right.

So no one has any suggestions or files to share for extras? I need to get this stuff compiled and see what we can do.


 You're welcome.'-)

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

dlbsyst said:

dark_jedi said:

I sent out some PM's and emails but thought I would post here as well, does anyone at all have the Australian DVD for The Silver Bullet? also need any other release(US release is the only release without) for the commentary?



 No luck finding the Australian version dark_jedi but I did find the German version that has the audio commentary.

That will work.

 Great. PM sent.

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

I sent out some PM's and emails but thought I would post here as well, does anyone at all have the Australian DVD for The Silver Bullet? also need any other release(US release is the only release without) for the commentary?



 No luck finding the Australian version dark_jedi but I did find the German version that has the audio commentary.

Info: Our projects released thread

crampedmisfit1990 said:

dlbsyst said:

crampedmisfit1990 said:

TV's Frink said:


Vinnie981 said:



 It's some sort of new communication, I haven't cracked it yet. I will report back when I do.

 No, Vinnie posted some comments to dark_jedi and then removed them. He probably thought it better to talk to him privately.

 Haha it was a joke.

 Oh, OK. I have trouble telling when you guys are joking sometimes.lol

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

dlbsyst said:

 I did some more digging and I might have found a problem. Plays fine with Nero Blu-ray player and Media player classic however when I open Media player classic and point it to the m2ts movie file and open it, it plays fine but when I go to properties to look at the file it locks up the player. When I open the movie file with Mediainfo it shows the DTS track bitrate as "open". Not sure if this is normal for a DTS track? Maybe the DTS track is causing the problem with certain software players? All of the software players on my PC default to DTS audio, bye the way.  

Yea I don't know about that, the menu software we use we have to run a MUI Generator on all the assets before importing, if a file is "illegal" it will fail until we make it right, so obviously our DTS file was "legal" or it would not have authored, I have contacted my Menu Guy and hopefully at some point he can spend a little time with me today so we can discuss this, he is very busy but hopefully he will answer my email later today.

@dlbsyst, I just tried doing what you did with MPC and mine did not freeze, I loaded the m2ts and clicked properties and it still kept playing.

 Never mind, tried it again and it worked fine. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with the DTS track. It plays fine on everything I have tried.

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

Jetrell Fo said:

dark_jedi said:

Jetrell Fo said:

I did something different.  I played it in MPC-BE but I directed it towards just the BDMV folder.  When I did that, I don't notice any of the glitches.  The audio defaults to the Dolby.  So far it's playing fine.


I'm gonna check out the last 10 minutes.  I'll report back.

It should default to the DTS 5.1, I wonder if the "EXTRAS" folder with the artwork is doing something being there? and with software PC players I always direct to the BDMV folder for testing.

Originally I was directing it to the main download folder and that is when the issues happened.  Soon as I went to BDMV, they were gone. 

So no encode issues/glitches and plays right through like it is supposed to? but yours does not default to the DTS 5.1 track?

This is friggin weird! now I wonder if the others are doing something wrong? because I just now tested the Master Avi file, the encoded AVC file for the BD, and the BD in everything I can throw at it and no issues what so ever, and dlbsyst has done the same as well for me and neither of us are showing anything wrong, oh well either way I guess it won't be going back up for a while, close to my comcast limit now.

Now maybe I can get back to NOTLD 68, later Guys!

Agreed. I found nothing wrong with the file. Plays back perfectly on my stand alone Sony Blu-ray player as well as on my PC using software players. 

Info: Our projects released thread

Jetrell Fo said:

dark_jedi said:

Screen or 2 please? I have just tested my BD on my PS3, Panasonic BD Player, and PC software WinDVD and PowerDVD and I am not seeing any of this, I have already told the peeps at BT to Nuke it and I myself have stopped seeding and removed from the Box, so for now until I can try and figure this out it will be delayed for a bit, so please bare with us, we are not perfect and we are bound to have a hiccup or 2 at some point, we have done a lot of projects and our menu designs get better and better and more complex every time.

I am just curious why all the people that got it off Usenet never reported anything like this, so this is very strange, either way it will be back at some point.

Thanks Guys

If you can point me to the usenet copy I'll snag it and compare.  It may be that during the creation of the torrent there was an issue, it's hard to pin down.  I played it in both  MPC-BE 64 and KODI and noticed a few glitches in the picture during the early part of the film.  I have not made it to the last 10 minutes yet, I fell asleep after a long weekend, and didn't check it.  I will endeavor to do it today.

Maybe the usenet version made it up without a hitch.  Hiccups happen.


 That would be great if you could grab this off Usenet and compare. I was going to do it but it has been nuked on BT. Just search for jgth. The password is KHodder. I would also like to see some screen shots of the glitches.