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MORE CHANGES!!! (for the 2004 OT DVD release)

I was just on theforce.net and they say that more changes are on the way! the 1997 Star Wars (butchered) Special Edition will have more changes in it. Does bother anyone else, we have been fighting for a year to preserve the TRUE versions of Star Wars and more scenes will be added. I just makes me mad that my favorite movie trilogy will be altered even more. If this is indeed true I will stay with my VHS tapes of the Original Theatrical Releases.

the lord of the rings Clean sweap
I am glad that ROTK won Best Picture. For the longest time the Academy has had a bias against Scif-Fi films, case in point "Star Wars" and "Empire Strikes Back". IMHO I thought both these movies were deserving of the Academy Award for Best Picture. ROTK won all 11 nominations! Only the third time in movie history that a movie has won all the awards it was nominated for! Hopefully this is a sign that the Academy is becoming more open.
How many of you guys are a www.starwars.com member
I am a member, but I don't subscribe to Hyperspace. I think that we shouldn't have to pay to find out more about the upcoming episodes. Why must we pay! I have been a fan of Star Wars since I was six and now at the age of 17 I know have to pay for knowledge about Episode III!?!? It isn't right, I think it should be free to all the loyal fans, like myself, and countless others who have stood by the Trilogy all these years. It is just another way for Lucas to get more money! (Like he really needs anymore!!)
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Well if you are looking for them these are the signs to look for: 1: Go to ebay that is where I bought mine. 2: Type in star wars DVDs. 3: look for a title that has the words ORIGINAL releases. 4: look for the picture of the DVDs the ones that I got had the original posters as the cover of the DVD. 5: I don't want to dishearten anyone, but they are very expensive be prepared to pay a lot of money. 6: lastly look for a certian seller called mzauctions he has the dvds. Well I guess that covers it I hope you all find the lucky break like I did!!
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
The quality and everything about the DVD is GREAT!! It is in widescreen and has great disc and case art. The menus are equally impressive, the disc also has Bonus Material!! Overall you'd think it was an official release and not a bootleg! I have absolutely no complaints about the DVD and if yoiu should ever com across these BUY THEM IMMEDIATLEY!! You won't regret your decision, I didn't.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
I have to come clean! I broke the cardinal rule, I bought bootlegs of the Original 77, 80, and 83 versions about a month ago! Forgive me Jay, but I was weak and I believe that filmmakers should not change their movies (ie changing black and white movies to color or adding or taking out scenes). I am a firm believer that movies should be left alone, because they represent a specific time in movie history and they show how movie making evolves. I love movies and I hate them being tampered with! That is what forced me to buy bootlegs, because Lucas is only releasing the Special Editions and the original versions are what got me so interested in the saga. I was forced out of necessity to do this. I want in my own small way to preserve classic movie making!
Why doesn't Lucus just release both versions?
Bossk and sweyland are so lucky to remember to heyday of the Star Wars Trilogy. Sadly I was not born when these films were made. I was born in 1986 so I am a second generation Star Wars fan and I remember watching it when I was 3 or 4 and I loved it. These movies along with the Indiana Jones Trilogy inspired me to follow my dream of becomming an actor and I will always love both the Indy and Star Wars Trilogies. I only wish I could have been there to see these movies on the big screen.
We Just Have To Wait - For The OOT...

I know this is tough for all Star Wars especially the “purists” like me and the countless other true fans who want the ORIGINAL 77, 80, and 83 Theatrical Cuts, but I believe we have to just wait it out. George Lucas is not a filmmaker anymore he is a businessman and he will do anything for money. I think given time he will release the Theatrical Cuts of the movies we all know and love. Lucas will see that he can make money by releasing the Special Edition and the Theatrical Cuts. He will release the Classic Versions, but I think we just need to wait, be patient, and get as many signatures as we can.