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Da Nao Tian Gong -- The Monkey King - Uproar In Heaven (1965) RESTORATION <em>v2</em> (Released)

satanika said:


Yes, I've still been working on and off (more off unfortunately) on the v2 restoration. As of now only a dozen or so shots remain, but these are the most time consuming and require MAJOR work (mostly rotoscoping).

The v2 will be the final version, there really isn't much more that can be gained from these sources. For a better version a 16 or 35mm print would need to come along.

With a bit of luck the v2 could be ready for new years..

A fresh pair of eyes (English or Chinese) for the subtitles would still be appreciated.

Also still looking for a way to capture two French PAL SECAM VHS tapes (Note: without this the French dub CANNOT be included).

 I can volunteer time for English subtitles. I am proficient in English but not in Chinese of any type; a fan of Journey to the West in all its forms. Contact me via facebook. http://www.facebook.com/nagasiva.yronwode